Tag: SkillDisplay
SkillDisplay is all about tracking and displaying your TYPO3 skills. It's a platform for creating and utilising learning paths - so called SkillPaths - that cover requirements for existing certifications of a specific area.
SkillDisplay - HTL Rennweg's New Web and Management Skills
HTL Rennweg makes their skills accessible to everyone. SkillSets for web technologies and project management are now available on the SkillDisplay platform. Also the TYPO3 skills for editors, integrators, and developers are ready to be verified by the users of the platform.
SkillDisplay - Using Organisations and Verifications at abaton and Your Company
Herbert Sojnik gave an interview about the application of TYPO3 and SkillDisplay in their company. Skill management is used to keep track of the abilities the employees have and are displayed in the statistics of the new organizations overview.
SkillDisplay - X Marks the Spot in Education
The SkillDisplay platform and extension will be updated to TYPO3v10. Additionally, the extension becomes open source with the end of the Erasmus+ project. Partnerships to support the development are available and a developer network for flexible solutions will be established.
SkillDisplay - HTL Rennweg: From Teaching Face-to-face to Online Lectures
HTL Rennweg currently teaches content management systems like TYPO3 and web technologies with the support of the SkillDisplay platform. Adapting to the current situation, where online teaching is necessary, the teachers had no problems continuing with their lectures.
SkillDisplay - How to be a Good TYPO3 Mentor for Africa
SkillDisplay supports the TYPO3 Direct Mentorship Program with their platform. TYPO3 experts can track their mentee’s skills and can choose from a list covering editor (TCCE), integrator (TCCI), and developer (TCCD) skills.
SkillDisplay - UX/UI Design: From Idea to Implementation
Step by step to a modern UX design - SkillDisplay’s blog post includes best practices and information about layouts, screen designs and skills of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator (TCCI) and TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer (TCCD) to help with the implementation.
SkillDisplay - The Final Erasmus+ Year
Happy New Year, everyone! The final year of the Erasmus+ Programme has already begun. The current article by SkillDisplay focuses on the future of Erasmus+ and the goals of the SkillDisplay GmbH.
SkillDisplay - Find an Employee with the Web Skills You Really Need
By creating a job profile with SkillDisplay, a department can choose from a set of skills. Thus, they can assist the HR team with their requirements and the future employees as they can determine how much their skills match the job requirements.
SkillDisplay - Web Should Be Accessible to Everyone
Web should be accessible to everyone, everywhere. This blog post is about the tips and tricks of three web accessibility experts. The TYPO3 community can help make the web a better place with already made little steps. Read on to get more information!
SkillDisplay - The Challenges and Plans of TYPO3 Docs
The Documentation Team wants to make TYPO3 accessible for everyone, from beginners to experts. Daniel Siepmann gave an interview and answered questions around current tasks and future plans of the team. Additionally he gave tips to the TYPO3 community.
SkillDisplay - Gamification for TCCE v9
The TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor gamification, MainzificRim, will get an update to version 9 of the content management system. This wouldn’t be possible without the TYPO3 Association and TYPO3 GmbH. Read on to get more information about the new missions of the adventure.