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Engaging web content for every user, everywhere

It can be complex and time-consuming to create, manage, and deliver content in a multi-channel environment. TYPO3’s workflows and content creation tools help you produce immersive online experiences, optimize for modern platforms, and seamlessly integrate with third-party applications and services. TYPO3 CMS offers engaging, accessible content for all devices, channels, and users. Power mobile-first, device-agnostic websites alongside headless web services and apps.

User Experience, Design, & Graphical Flexibility

Creating an engaging, user-centered digital experience requires a CMS like TYPO3, with the power and flexibility to bring your vision and your brand to life online.

Beyond being simply useful and accessible, a great user experience should also evoke delight, joy, and positive emotional connections. If your customers experience your digital presence as intuitive, trustworthy, and reliable, that impression transfers to how they perceive your brand.

With flexible and extensible content templates, intuitive media management, and more, TYPO3 CMS sets you free. Create the joyful customer experience your website should be.

  • Web-based, designer-friendly style and template management for multiple templates, including base, sitewide, parent/child, and custom templates.
  • Multiple page types and themes styled through CSS for graphic flexibility and responsive design of all elements.
  • Enhance user experience by easily integrating existing and future progressive web apps.
  • Skinnable user interface for frontend users with dynamic graphical menus and multiple menu types.

Mobile Content & Responsiveness

Use TYPO3 to design and deliver fast, consistent, responsive, device-agnostic digital experiences, no matter how your customers consume your content. 

More users will interact with your online content through mobile devices than any other channel. Search engines penalize slow-loading sites, and users are clicking away at the first hint of a delay or an outdated interface.

TYPO3 lets your editors prioritize the mobile experience and delivers fast-loading, engaging experiences on all devices.

  • Optimized mobile-first experience with responsive design and breakpoints in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, and native interaction widgets—date picker, number pad, etc.—on smartphones and tablets.
  • Automatic, device-appropriate, and adaptive rendering delivers content optimized for users’ devices. Improve the user experience by delivering video, images, and documents in the best format, resolution, and bandwidth.
  • Achieve faster-loading pages and improved SEO ranking by delivering content using Google’s mobile-specific AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) format.
  • Responsive admin backend UI allows full site and editorial management from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Built-in responsive preview simulates content as displayed on a wide variety of screen sizes and for specific devices.

IoT: Decoupling, Web Services, Front-End Frameworks

TYPO3 can be the heart of all your digital platforms, managing content, publishing, and integrations across all delivery channels.
You need to connect and synchronize content for multiple solutions in a rich digital ecosystem while being free from the lifecycle management of specific platforms and components. 

TYPO3 CMS is designed to be a hyper-connected content hub: consuming data, integrating web services, performing business logic, and delivering your content how and where your customers will find it.

  • Compliance with modern industry middleware standards (PSR-7 / PSR-15), makes TYPO3 the perfect consumer or provider of web service data.
  • Safe, secure, and reliable integrations with third-party systems. Official integrations exist for Google Ads, Mautic, Cloudflare, Bynder, and others.
  • TYPO3 decouples the frontend, allowing the CMS to be used as a headless or hybrid content provider, and as a static site generator.
  • TYPO3 outputs structured data that can be used as the content and logic engine behind native mobile apps, frontend frameworks like Angular.js and React.js, web services, websites, and digital experiences.


TYPO3 outputs the structured data needed to create accessible and barrier-free digital experiences for all users. Comply with regulations like the 2020 European Accessibility Act, WCAG, and Section 508 in United States law.

Accessibility compliance is important—we want as many people as possible to be able to interact with our websites—and it is a prerequisite for many governmental and educational web projects around the world. Making your site accessible can be labor-intensive.

TYPO3’s core and frontend are decoupled. The system outputs structured data, and adding and managing the information is easy for backend editors. Creating accessibility-compliant presentation layers is simply a matter of adding the appropriate markup to the frontend templates, such as WAI-ARIA, captions, and alt and title texts.

  • Include the accessibility markup in the templates, including captions, alt and title texts, WCAG, and Wai-ARIA (the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications).
  • Outputs structured data to the templating layer or the frontend framework of your choice, where it can be made accessible programmatically.
  • Editing and maintaining metadata is easy for editors. Metadata fields can be made mandatory, ensuring consistency throughout the editorial process.
  • Increase editors’ accessibility awareness by customizing and enhancing the rich text editor.

Get started with TYPO3 and create engaging experiences across devices

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