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Not sure where to start?

We have a wealth of resources to share about our powerhouse CMS, open source community, and business opportunities—but we don’t want to overwhelm you. Whether you’re looking up services on behalf of your business, or want to join our community of contributors,  we can route you to the right place. Let us help you.

Expand your business opportunities

The TYPO3 CMS is a commercial open source product, used to create professional web projects. We promote and enhance solutions for businesses that run on TYPO3. Ready to get started?

Find a TYPO3 Expert!

Looking for the right partner to help your project succeed? Explore our trusted Agency, Technology and Consultant Partners.

Get extra support

We offer Extended Long Term Support for your projects, Certifications and more.

Earn a certification in TYPO3

Showcase your skills as an editor, developer, integrator, or consultant through TYPO3’s official certification program.

Still have questions? Talk to us

As the business arm of the TYPO3 Project, TYPO3 GmbH can answer your  commercial, product-level questions.

Get in touch with our team

Get plugged into our community

The TYPO3 Association stewards the broader TYPO3 community, facilitating communication across teams and projects. If you want to get involved, our community Page is the right place to begin.

Join a Community Team

All of our community team efforts—from marketing to localization to accessibility—are community-based and open source.

Chat us on Slack

TYPO3’s active Slack channel has announcements, conversations, and helpful community members who will point you in the right direction.

Contribute to our project

We’re always looking for new contributors, either through code or documentation.

Join a TYPO3 event—locally or online!

Look out for upcoming code sprints, user group meetings, and conferences hosted by TYPO3 and our friends.

Find an event

Work with us

We are looking for highly motivated, open people to tackle such challenges, capable of working independently without (much) supervision.

Open positions at TYPO3 GmbH

Learn more about how the TYPO3 Project can transform your work

Get in touch with us