August 2019: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

Welcome back to Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)! We’re very happy to present another analysis of contributions to TYPO3 CMS over the last month to you. No doubt about it, you developers rock - thanks a lot to all of you! Check our current list for names and some truly impressive numbers.

How to AI: Navigating the Buzzwords of Artificial Intelligence

Since before the introduction of Amazon’s Alexa, applications supporting artificial intelligence (AI) have been taking a central role in certain parts of our daily lives. This article sums up the most relevant AI-connected terms and explains them in more detail.

TYPO3 University Days 2019 Coming up!

The fourth annual TYPO3 University Days is coming up! 2019’s edition of the academia-focussed TYPO3 event is taking place at the University of Vienna, Austria, September 18-19, 2019. Peer discussions, workshops, and solutions for higher education on the web.

SkillDisplay - The Challenges and Plans of TYPO3 Docs

The Documentation Team wants to make TYPO3 accessible for everyone, from beginners to experts. Daniel Siepmann gave an interview and answered questions around current tasks and future plans of the team. Additionally he gave tips to the TYPO3 community.

Why TYPO3 CMS? Meet the Experts at DMEXCO 2019

Meet industry-leading TYPO3 CMS, digital marketing, business, and publishing experts at DMEXCO, the largest European congress trade fair in Cologne, Germany on Sep. 11-12, 2019. We'll be in hall 8.1, booth D020.

Call for Sponsors: TYPO3 Initiative Week 2019 Coming up

The #TYPO3 User eXperience Week (#T3UXW) has enhanced: We’re thrilled to announce the birth of TYPO3 Initiative Week (#T3INIT)! T3INIT combines the User eXperience Week with the TYPO3 Strategy Groups. Become one of the event’s sponsors and support it now!

July 2019: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

As usual, a new month starts off with Developer Appreciation Day (DAD): We‘d like to tip our hats to the devoted TYPO3 developers who contributed to the TYPO3 project during July. Thanks a lot, everyone! Find the contributor’s names and some truly impressive numbers in our current article.