Launched in 2023, the show features regular contributions from notable community members and is hosted by Tom Warwick and Kendall Litton, who bring their combined experience and enthusiasm to the virtual stage. Their aim is to enlighten, inform, and occasionally entertain TYPO3 enthusiasts and professionals worldwide.
Inside TYPO3 is accessible on all major platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music, plus YouTube.
August 2024
Live From Developer Days
In this episode, Tom explores the growth of TYPO3 in Albania with Fjora Hodo and Nadja Neb and discusses how the CMS is making waves in a new market. Kendall sits down with Gary Fuller, a first-time Dev Days attendee who took his TYPO3 enthusiasm to the next level with a TYPO3-inspired tattoo! Tom also catches up with Łukasz Uznański, leader of the TYPO3 headless project, to discuss its progress over the past year and his experience at TYPO3 Surf Camp.
A big thanks to Ralf Merz, aka t3quetsche, for an unforgettable night at this year's Developer Days!
July 2024
Developer Days Survival Guide, Workshops & more
Kendall and Tom dive into everything you need to know for this year's Developer Days, sharing tips on what to pack, how to prepare, and their survival tips for first-time attendees.
We also hear from Luisa, TYPO3's Senior Success Manager, about the event schedule, new additions like the breath work workshops and the exciting social events planned, including a special musical guest and a tattoo artist offering TYPO3-themed tattoos.
June 2024
T3CON, PHP Unit & more
Kendall sits down with TYPO3 GmbH CEO Daniel Fau to discuss some of the changes that have been made to this year's T3CON schedule.
Tom spoke with PHPUnit creator Sebastian Bergmann who gives a preview about what he'll be talking about at this year's developer days.
And we got to learn about what Rozbeh Sharahi from Turbine Kreuzberg and Morgane Garcia from are working on and what it’s like attending a TYPO3 community sprint for the first time.
May 2024
GA 2024, Community management & more
In this month's episode we have updates from this year's General Assembly in Zurich, Switzerland.
Kendall chats with Mathias Bolt Lesniak about his view on community involvement.
Tom speaks with former TYPO3 Community manager Ben Van’t'ende to get his perspective on how this role has evolved and changed over the last twenty years.
April 2024
Surf Camp, v13, and TYPO3 is back in the UK
In this episode we sit down with Oliver Bartsch, direct from TYPO3 Surf Camp to find out about TYPO3 version 13 followed by a community update from Tom where he talks about his recent trips to UKGovCamp and PHPUK.
November 2023
T3CON Special
Join us as we catch up on the latest news from the TYPO3 community and sit down with two attendees from this year's TYPO3 conference: Matt Raines from Praterraines, who participated as a panelist in the Government talk on the second day of T3CON23, and Abdulhamid Kwieder, the winner of the TYPO3 Personality of the Year Award, as he discusses his year-long journey of translating the entire TYPO3 backend into Arabic.
August 2023
T3DD Special
This month is an extended episode where we sit down and talk with speakers and attendees from the TYPO3 Developer Days conference. Interviews feature Thomas Voldanski and Łukasz Uznański from Macopedia discussing the TYPO3 Headless project, Abramo Tesoro on the Bootstrap Italia project, and Matthias Bolt Lesniak from the TYPO3 Association Board sharing insights on community engagement and T3CON in October.
July 2023
In our inaugural episode, we discuss the upcoming TYPO3 Developer Days in Karlsruhe, Germany, with keynote speakers Francesca Eskov and Christian Schmidt.
Benni Mack shares insights from the recent Community Sprint in Düsseldorf and teases information about version 13.
We also highlight the return of T3CON in October, featuring keynote speaker Nicholas Janni. Lastly, we introduce Luisa Fassbender, the new Senior Success Manager at TYPO3 GmbH.