Katharina is a student at WU Vienna, University of Economics and Business. Her educational background also includes the graduation of a higher technical school where she learned a lot about TYPO3 with the help of SkillDisplay. After she got her school leaving certificate she became a part of the SkillDisplay team.
Everyone who’s ever been to a TYPO3 Camp says the same: It’s a great experience! If you want to improve your camp, consider inviting SkillDisplay. With their so-called SkillPath and SkillTree at hand, learning becomes more visible to third parties. Also, they introduce newbies in the field to TYPO3.
Teaching can be a rewarding experience - both for you as a mentor and your student. Gestures and facial expressions speak for themselves. However, if you help someone online, all personal reaction gets lost. SkillDisplay shows you how to give credit to your learning resources and use SkillUp buttons.
Learning can be fun. SkillDisplay is a platform which offers pre-built learning paths, the so-called SkillPaths. It aims at making students more independent by offering precise guidelines and tracking acquired skills.
The TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor Exam (TCCE) is one way to present your skills in TYPO3. In this blog post SkillDisplay explains to you what such an editor actually does and helps you to prepare yourself for the exam.
SkillDisplay uses a concept to make your learning experience rich and fun. In order to learn a new skill, you have to understand the dependencies. Here's how.
In our last post we explained what SkillDisplay is and what the platform’s major benefits are. Now it is time to show you how to attain your very first skill on our platform.
Do you like to show others what you can do? Are you even more motivated if you track your success, no matter how much you worked for it? Then we proudly present SkillDisplay - A platform which helps you to record and display your skills.