Tag: SkillDisplay
SkillDisplay is all about tracking and displaying your TYPO3 skills. It's a platform for creating and utilising learning paths - so called SkillPaths - that cover requirements for existing certifications of a specific area.
SkillDisplay - TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor v11 Syllabus Release
Syllabus and skills for TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor v11 are now available on SkillDisplay. The new contents, provided by the TYPO3 Education Committee, are ready to use to prepare for certification or create your custom training.
SkillDisplay - How TYPO3 helps you get from concept to viable product fast
Building on TYPO3 as a foundation to create your platform and how it gets you from concept to viable product fast meeting high security standards.
How to keep up to date with the latest LTS
How to keep track of new LTS releases, create individual learning goals, and minimize preparation time for certification attempts with SkillDisplay
SkillDisplay - Setting up and profiting from competency standards in your company
This guide will walk you through how to use SkillDisplay effectively to achieve your business goals when working with TYPO3. We’ll outline the business needs for a use case and define the necessary skill sets to find the best people available for the job.
SkillDisplay - How to easily build sustainable customer trainings
Use SkillDisplay’s built-in visual tools to create trainings for your customers - or recruits - step by step, from requirements analysis to fully fledged curriculum
SkillDisplay - Get your company started on SkillDisplay
Are you still tracking your employees competencies in Excel spreadsheets? Time to take a look at a TYPO3 based solution.
Connecting Learning, Coaching, Practical Experience and Certification
If you’re looking to become certified, SkillDisplay has great self-assessment opportunities on their website. Become a verifier today!
SkillDisplay - Time for a new onboarding process
Getting colleagues on board and ready for productive work can be a time-consuming challenge. Here is how you can support that process with SkillDisplay.
SkillDisplay - TYPO3 Association Member Benefits on SkillDisplay
SkillDisplay is now available for TYPO3 Association Members. Time to take a look at how to quickstart skill management in your company and make the most of your membership.
SkillDisplay - The Skills of TYPO3 v10
The SkillSets are updated to TYPO3 v10 and the new syllabi are on their way! There are a couple new skills for the TCCE, TCCI, and TCCD that await to be discovered by the TYPO3 community. A guide for doing an official certificate exam online or offline is also included.
SkillDisplay - Summing up the 3 Year Erasmus+ Project
The end of the Erasmus+ project is near and we wanted to look retrospectively at the development of the SkillDisplay platform, educational TYPO3 resources that have been made available during the project, and past events.