SkillDisplay - The New Skills of TCCE v9
Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!
Hello and welcome to the next blog post by SkillDisplay. It’s our 25th blog post on typo3.com, but who’s counting? We are very happy to have TYPO3 as our partner and want to celebrate this anniversary with a very special blog post - the new skills of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor v9.
Therefore, topics covered in this post are:
Who created/adapted the skills for TCCE v9?
Which skills are new?
Render the Syllabus out of the SkillTree
How does the update affect my verifications?
TCCE v9 and SkillDisplays’ Closed Beta
Who created/adapted the skills for TCCE v9?
You might ask now “Who is responsible for the update?” - here is the answer. TYPO3 Education Committee, TYPO3 GmbH and SkillDisplay joined forces to make the update possible. The three parties displayed the newest TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor skills connected to each other in a SkillTree. This time, the workshop took place in Düsseldorf. The industry fellow of the updated SkillTree stays Tom Novotny, the Co-Lead of the education team.
Which skills are new?
Due to the new version of TYPO3, the syllabus of the certificates and the SkillTree needed an update. Some skills were created new, some were rejected, all of them were reviewed. And as we don’t want to keep you on tenterhooks, here is the preview of the new skills of TCCE v9!
SEO (Technical)
I know what canonical links are and when they should be used.
I know about robot instructions in metadata.
I know the relevance of an XML Sitemap of a website.
The editor is aware of the relevance of duplicate content on websites and the consequences for search engine results. By using canonical link properly, he knows how to prevent duplicate content issues. Furthermore, the editor has knowledge about forcing robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow. The editor knows what an XML Sitemap is and that these are used to give search engines information of a website structure.
Social Media
I know what social media platforms are.
I know that social media specific content, such as Twitter Cards or Facebook posts, can be used to enhance the content of a provided link to a website.
Social media platforms are a collective of online communication channels used for community-based input, content-sharing, collaboration and interaction. Links that are placed on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, can be enriched with additional information about the targeted website and encourage the user to follow the link.
URL Redirect Basics
I know what URL redirects are.
I know how URL redirects are used in TYPO3.
The editor knows the effects in terms of SEO and backlinks in a subsequent change of a URL. The editor knows how to minimize the negative effects by defining redirects.
TYPO3 URL Redirects
I can create a redirection for a certain URL to a specific page.
The editor knows which purpose redirects have in TYPO3 and how to create them for a specific page in TYPO3.
CSV - Character-Separated Values
I know what a CSV file is.
I know how to open and edit a CSV file (with text editors or a table calculation program).
I know the different common delimiter, enclosure and escape characters.
I know the different file encodings (latin1 / utf-8).
CSV files are used to exchange data between different computer systems. The editor must know how these files are structured so that they can be read out and additionally read by TYPO3 without errors.
Admin Panel Basics
I know about the existence of the admin panel and that a TYPO3 integrator can unlock this for me.
I know how to find information like the page ID in the info tab.
I can use the admin panel in the frontend for finding and opening a page in the backend.
I can simulate another date or another frontend user group.
I can clear or deactivate the page cache.
The admin panel can be activated by the TYPO3 Integrator for editors and used to simulate a different time or group of users in the frontend. In addition, a button helps to find and open the corresponding page in the backend via a URL.
Slightly changed skills
Slightly changed skills involve: Page Properties, About Back End Users and Back End User Groups, Access Restriction Basics, Content Elements, Page, Working with Data Records and Working with Files.
Render the syllabus out of the SkillTree
In the already mentioned workshop, the SkillTree for the certificate was created - skills and their dependencies are displayed in directed acyclic graphs. After creating the SkillTree, the syllabus for a certificate can easily be rendered and will find its application here. To structure the certificate even more, TYPO3 decided to group the skills. Domains of the TCCE involve CMS Basics, Media Management, TYPO3 Handling and Target Group Optimization.
How does the update affect my verifications?
By using the SkillDisplay platform and being a closed beta tester, all verifications of skills that you already verified will be automatically transferred to the new TCCE v9 SkillSet (SkillPath). Due to this functionality, you can easily find out which skills you need to learn and verify to be prepared for the official TCCE certification. Please watch out which version the certification will have to prevent confusion. After you did the certification, you can add the certificate to your SkillDisplay profile.
TCCE v9 and SkillDisplay's Closed Beta
Everyone who is not a closed beta tester is able to see the TCCE v9 SkillSet in the next view days on the SkillDisplay platform. Closed beta testers will then additionally be able to verify these skills. After you have logged in, you can already see our new user interface that is still under construction, so not all of the functionalities are implemented, yet. In the navigation bar, you can already see SkillSets - this is SkillDisplay’s new version of the previous item called SkillPaths. Stay tuned, the SkillSet will be available soon!
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