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TYPO3 Trainer Network

Thanks to Peter Pröll from Alinbu for sharing!

TL;DR: The demand for qualified trainers in the TYPO3 sector is growing. This is particularly the case for certification preparations.
In this blog post you will learn why and how we want to set up a trainer network.
If you are in need of a qualified TYPO3 trainer, please contact the TYPO3 GmbH.


With the introduction of the TYPO3 Partner Program, the TYPO3 GmbH and the Education Committee are faced with a rising request for both certification preparation training and basic training. This is true for all our programs for: editors, integrators, developers and consultants.

On the other hand, the Education Committee now has a steadily growing workload: creating training material for seminars as well as such for non-seminar participants; keeping training material up to date, translation work and the like. All these tasks require more commitment than pure pro-bono ("in my spare time") work can do, given the current size of the team. We desperately need support in this area.

We have four parties:

  1. TYPO3 professionals who are requesting qualified training and preparation

  2. The Education Committee in need for help with their workload

  3. Qualified trainers in need for clients

  4. The TYPO3 GmbH with leads for the trainers and qualified trainer recommendations for professionals.

The TYPO3 Trainer Network

We are looking for trainers to join in. If you happen to be a trainer, please get in touch with us.

What we request

  • You have a valid certification in the area you offer training and certification preparation for

  • You are already giving seminars on a regular basis

  • You are willing to offer regular seminars and workshops

  • You are ready to travel to on-location and in-house seminars

  • You also offer seminars in the English language

  • You have an in-depth understanding of the training topics and qualifications which go beyond the scope of the area you offer your training and certification preparation

What we offer and how we will work together

The TYPO3 GmbH will send you leads and gets a commission in return. The income is a direct invest in the TYPO3 project itself. You will carry out the seminars and your customers will be asked by the TYPO3 GmbH to rate your service, competence, training and general attitude.

The Education Committee needs your help

As mentioned above, we desperately need support in the Education Committee. Thus besides the commission to the TYPO3 GmbH, we ask you to invest a minimum fixed rate of pro-bono work in the Education Committee.

If you happen to be an official TYPO3 partner, the time invested counts as community commitment.

How to get into the TYPO3 Trainer Network

If this sounds appealing to you, please send your application to Peter Pröll.

The Education Committee will assess incoming applications. We will negotiate the terms of your pro-bono involvement with you. You will accompany trainers from the network to follow their seminars. After that, you carry out one or two real world seminars yourself, which will be rated by the participants.

Future Outlook

We aim to professionalize TYPO3 education, qualification and certification even more with the TYPO3 Trainer Network and create a win-win situation for everybody involved.

By the way: If you like to get involved in education and certification without being a trainer, just contact Peter as well!

Our next important steps are the introduction of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Consultant at the biggest CertiFUNcation ever, and the launch of the new training and certification platform later this year.

Especially the new platform will improve the User Experience (UX) of taking a certification, making it easier and faster to take certification exams.