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TYPO3 GmbH Launches All-New Professional Service Listing

Thank you, partners!

Since its launch in early 2017 up until the end of last week, the TYPO3 Partner Program has proven to be a powerful solution, providing a framework for players from the TYPO3 universe to make their services more prominent. For all the agencies, hosters, and freelancers involved, as well as for TYPO3 GmbH, the Partner Program can clearly be considered a success. Our partners were able to present themselves and their services exclusively and had a lasting impact on the TYPO3 landscape. We would hereby like to thank all participants of our Partner Program for their trust and loyalty over the last four years. As a sign of our gratitude, all of our former partners will receive a special badge in the scope of our new listing program, honoring them and their efforts to push the TYPO3 Project further with us.

During last year, the idea arose to display a broader variety of players from the TYPO3 universe and not just several selected ones. This is why we wanted to try out a different approach: What if there was a platform that allowed every TYPO3 service provider out there the chance to register, promote their organization and their services and supported the entire TYPO3 Project at the same time? This is when we decided to add a new component to the TYPO3 ecosystem: The Professional Service Listing.

Professional Service Listing (PSL)

The Professional Service Listing, or PSL for short, is the logical next step and further development of the Partner Program. It is a central stage for players from the TYPO3 universe - be it agencies, hosters, or freelancers - and functions as a self-service platform. TYPO3 service providers from all around the globe have the opportunity to present themselves and their services in the best possible way. 

Find out what our goals with the PSL are and why you should get listed in the paragraphs below!

The Goal

Why build a Professional Service Listing platform in the first place? Well, there are a lot of reasons. The goals we would ultimately like to achieve with the PSL are listed as follows:

  • Extend the visibility of TYPO3
  • Raise awareness for TYPO3 CMS
  • Improve the quality of TYPO3 projects
  • Give potential clients a helping hand in finding TYPO3 professionals
  • Provide a fair listing for services around TYPO3
  • Provide a self-service platform
  • Available and affordable for everyone worldwide
  • Make people who are active in the TYPO3 community stand out.

Why to Get Listed

No hard requirements

While being a member of the TYPO3 Association gives you the option of actively participating in the shaping of TYPO3 CMS, the membership is not mandatory to participate in the Professional Service Listing.

No complicated tiers

From a simple free list entry with your name, city, and country, to adding a logo and a backlink to your website, there are no complicated tiers. Do you want a full-blown profile page on that features your certifications, case studies, and other details about your organization? If so, you should subscribe to the profile page module and have the stage for your company presentation.

Pay as you grow

You can start small with the ‘Free Basic Listing’ entry. Once you feel the need for more, up to a full-blown profile page, you can upgrade your subscription and use additional modules on a monthly basis. It is just that easy.

Affordable additional modules

In contrast to the Partner Program, you can participate basically for free now. Of course, if you want more features, these features are available for small fees. Do you want a Logo (agencies and hosters), a Photo (freelancers), a Backlink to the website, a Map Marker, a Contact Form, or Service Badges? Add it to your Free Basic Listing subscription. The prices are affordable and put you in full control of your listing entry.

Local Pricing

Prices are different across the globe. While agencies and freelancers from some wealthier countries can easily afford to participate in a program such as our new Professional Service Listing, die-hard enthusiasts from not so wealthy countries may not be able to afford it. Here is where we do our best to enable everyone to participate and make it affordable, no matter where they are. We built a pricing index covering more than 200 countries, and we are sure that we make participating an option for everyone. We are making the PSL affordable and inclusive to everyone.

In a nutshell

While the Partner Program was already a success for all involved, we as TYPO3 GmbH wanted to expand the abilities of the program more and reach an even bigger audience. The result is our newly built component in the TYPO3 universe. To sum up, the Professional Service Listing (PSL) is the perfect gateway to making your organization/business known to a broader audience and to help it grow at Furthermore, the PSL listing is a great stage to show off your competence, skills, service offerings, certifications, and case studies. Start with our Free Basic Entry now and extend your listing by choosing additional modules for a small fee on a monthly basis!