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A Recap of TYPO3 Developer Days 2024

It’s a wrap! TYPO3 Developer Days 2024 came and went last week and what an event it was. With over 40 speakers and a weekend program full of exciting talks about all manner of development (and not only) related topics, the event was a unique opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in the TYPO3 world, gain important insights into open source development, and connect with members of the community from around the world. 

As a first time attendee, I made sure to prepare myself by learning how to survive the three day marathon of talks, networking, and socializing. 

Upon arriving at the GenoHotel in Karlsruhe on Wednesday, where the event took place, there was an evening of meet and greets, including catching up with familiar faces from the many TYPO3 Camps and other events the TYPO3 GmbH team has attended throughout the year so far.

Time to Kick-off!

On Thursday the day started with breakfast at the hotel, which was decorated in the TYPO3 surf theme from the entrance, to the event branding, and the Surf Simulator available for playing. Breakfast was followed by a keynote from Benni Mack, TYPO3 Project Lead and b13 CTO, where he set the tone for the days to come with an interesting deep-dive into AI and how it can be a tool to support continued development of TYPO3 and open source technologies. 

From there, the day continued with a multitude of engaging discussions with talks covering topics ranging from TYPO3 new API’s by Oliver Bartsch, to Sebastian Spill and Linnea Erlich’s talk on ‘How to Make Web Design Work for Everyone with Accessibility’. Finally, my colleagues in the TYPO3 marketing team shared valuable insights into our efforts to grow TYPO3’s industry footprint with a wide range of marketing initiatives in their talk, ‘Insights into TYPO3 Marketing’. 

In the evening, we enjoyed dinner and many of the attendees were up into the late hours of the night taking part in the coding night! 

Exciting Talks, International Attendees, and Networking

One of the standout aspects of this event was the international nature of the attendees. It was a unique opportunity to meet members of the TYPO3 community from all around the world, outside of the project’s DACH region core. There were representatives of agencies based in places ranging from the UK, to France, and Poland, and as far away as South Africa! 

Learning about the local CMS markets in each country was an invaluable experience that shed light onto the client profiles and use cases TYPO3 serves. It also was a springboard for potential future collaborations, including content ideas, and potentially new events to be held in these locations.

Another Day of Great Sessions

On the second and third days there were several more exciting talks. The sessions covered themes related to optimizing extensions, language overlays, marketing strategies, a recap of Surfcamp 2024, and much more. 

Of course, it’s impossible to cover every single talk in one blog post, and each session certainly deserves its own review and attention. For that, please make sure to revisit the DevDays schedule and find the slides/presentations once they’re uploaded to the dedicated Slack channel

Outside the sessions there was also a lot going on across the venue. Attendees were always excited to share information about the work they’re doing to further the TYPO3 project, there were plenty of opportunities to meet new people, and last but certainly not least, a tattoo studio from Karlsruhe also “inked” DevDays attendees who were interested. I even got one myself!

In between our talks, Sebastian, the event videographer who captured so many moments over the course of those three days, gathered everyone outside and put his drone to work to capture a fantastic photo of all the attendees!

Before the event winded down, we had the Best Talk Award where Oliver Bartsch won with his “TYPO3 New APIs” presentation, and a fantastic social event where all attendees gathered for some barbeque and refreshments followed by dancing into the late hours of the night!

The successful event was made possible with the support of our partners, sponsors, and organizing team, that included our friends at, in2code, mittwald, and

All in all, it was three days full of learning, socializing and fun. As a first time attendee, DevDays is certainly an event that will be booked on my calendar for next year, and one where I look forward to reconnecting with the global TYPO3 community. Next year’s edition takes place at the same venue from 7-9 August. See you there!

If you're interested in hearing more about the DevDays experience, my colleagues prepared a soon to be released podcast episode that was recorded on-site. Stay tuned for more information about it. 

Relive the Event and Share the Memories

Explore the TYPO3 Developer Days 2024 Gallery

We’ve put together an extensive gallery that captures the energy, excitement, and memorable moments of TYPO3 Developer Days 2024. This gallery showcases highlights from all three days, including the vibrant sessions, lively networking events, and candid shots from the photobox that brought out everyone's playful side. Feel free to explore and download the gallery images for both private and public use.

If you share these images publicly, please be sure to credit the photographer, Markus Luigs.