TYPO3 v6.2.49, 7.6.42 and 8.7.33 ELTS Released

Still sticking to an older version of TYPO3? There may be good reasons for doing so. Today, TYPO3 v6.2.49, 7.6.42 and 8.7.33 ELTS have been released. Staying on top of maintenance and security updates should be a top priority - Gain peace of mind by opting for one of TYPO3 GmbH’s Extended Support offers!

April 2020: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

Now that May is in the starting blocks, let’s recap on the achievements of the last month. As we look back, we find a great deal of contributions to the TYPO3 Project. Learn more details in our Developer Appreciation Day post!

Publish More Content, in More Languages, Faster, Within TYPO3

Digital communication is fundamental to the modern customer journey – and a crucial part of that journey is your website. The LanguageWire TYPO3 Connector makes it possible to manage translations from within your TYPO3 CMS improving your content ROI through streamlined workflows and reaching a wider audience.

The Importance of Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Software has become an essential part of any business today, and so it’s also a key factor in creating greater Return on Investment (ROI). If you want to secure your website’s value, there’s no getting round contracting with professionals for a Service Level Agreement (SLA).

TYPO3 v10 LTS — Safe and Sound

It's finally here: Say hello to TYPO3 v10.4, also called TYPO3 v10 LTS, indicating that this is a long-term supported version. Find out all details about the newest features of this historic release.

Tutorial: Report TYPO3 Issues and Test Patches

The release of TYPO3 v10 is just around the corner! In this second part of his series on testing TYPO3, Peter Kraume explains how to report an issue with the use of Forge and Forger and how to pick and test patches.

March 2020: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

Each month, we take the opportunity to celebrate contributors in our Developer Appreciation Day post. Please take a moment to share gratitude for their continued passion, commitment, and time they give to making TYPO3 CMS awesome.

COVID-19. What's about TYPO3 Events in 2020?

Instead of posting the regular 'Mark your Calendar' blog, we would like to inform you today about the planned TYPO3 events in 2020 against the background of the corona pandemic.