Author: Jörg Ems

As a former chef for more than 20 years, Jörg has an eye for detail when it comes to customer satisfaction and success in his day to day work as the Customer Account Manager for TYPO3 GmbH. He strives to give the best support possible and to convey TYPO3's philosophy. Jörg joined the TYPO3 GmbH in April of 2016, being the first staff member of the newly founded company. While he is not a developer, he has a strong fascination for TYPO3 and especially its community. In his spare time he likes to play guitar and produce electronic music.

5 Steps to Make the “Golden” Years of a Website Healthier!

It’s important to evaluate new technology before applying it to your website. Thriving in the digital era means adapting to the right standards at the right time. And there are ways to increase the lifespan of your website and make it last a while longer.

What is TYPO3 Extended Long Term Support?

Support for a software does not end all of a sudden (well, to some people it does… much like new year’s eve being surprisingly early), normally there are fixed time frames for how long a particular piece of software is being supported.

How to Find a Developer Friendly CMS

In a developer friendly CMS it takes less effort to implement changes. Less effort commonly means it’s cheaper. So let’s see what makes a CMS developer friendly.