Tag: Extension

Extension is a fancy word for a simple concept. Think of TYPO3 extensions as units that extend the TYPO3 core, each one adding an extra function to the software. Other software makers may refer to them as modules, plugins or add-ons. Extensions are created by individual developers or agencies in the TYPO3 community, many of whom make their code freely available for use via the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) on TYPO3.org

Are you a TYPO3 eCommerce Extension Author?

We want to connect the authors (you) of TYPO3 eCommerce extensions with Google so that you can learn how to write your code in a way to make the merchants successful and satisfied with the given functionalities.

Marketing Automation and TYPO3 - How Lux Can Help

Marketing Automation and TYPO3 - How Lux Can Help We will present a short overview of the lux marketing automation extension, how it works for our website, and how you can use it for different marketing processes.

Getting Started Developing With TYPO3 - Part 1

Wondering what you can do in the TYPO3 core and how to evaluate extensions in the TYPO3 Extension Repository? We cover some key factors (and caveats) here. If you're getting started developing with TYPO3 you should to check out the first part of this two-part blog post.

How Poptin Can Help TYPO3 Users Grow Their Business

Finding ways to increase sales, generate more leads, and reduce cart abandonment, pop ups and forms may be your ace in the hole. Find out about how TYPO3 users can now create their own pop ups and forms through Poptin as it recently created an extension to help TYPO3 websites and eCommerce stores.

SkillDisplay - X Marks the Spot in Education

The SkillDisplay platform and extension will be updated to TYPO3v10. Additionally, the extension becomes open source with the end of the Erasmus+ project. Partnerships to support the development are available and a developer network for flexible solutions will be established.

Publish More Content, in More Languages, Faster, Within TYPO3

Digital communication is fundamental to the modern customer journey – and a crucial part of that journey is your website. The LanguageWire TYPO3 Connector makes it possible to manage translations from within your TYPO3 CMS improving your content ROI through streamlined workflows and reaching a wider audience.

Productive Analysis for Your Next TYPO3 Upgrade

Are you having trouble upgrading your TYPO3 project? Thanks to the recently built EXT:ns_ext_compatibility by the fine folks of NITSAN, you can plan upgrades with ease. Download your very own Extension Compatibility Report now!