Guaranteed quality. TYPO3 CMS Certified Consultants (TCCC) are trained, certified and experienced in advising customers on their TYPO3 projects. The certification is for consultants, project managers, and product owners.
Introducing the New TYPO3 v13 Video Course and Masterclass
Master TYPO3 v13 with Wolfgang Wagner's new video training and masterclass! Perfect for developers, integrators, and editors to learn the latest features and best practices.
SkillDisplay - Summing up the 3 Year Erasmus+ Project
The end of the Erasmus+ project is near and we wanted to look retrospectively at the development of the SkillDisplay platform, educational TYPO3 resources that have been made available during the project, and past events.
Recap: TYPO3 University Day 2018 (T3UD18)
Thanks to the people behind TYPO3 University Day (T3UD18) for running a fantastic event and for hosting us so well. We’ve gathered a few impressions from participators and organizers to give you a multifaceted insight into the event.