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Extension Type:
Backend, Frontend
Extension Category:
Support for:
TYPO3 v11, v10

Versatile news extension

Displaying articles by using various filters like tags, categories, top news and a lot of more features are needed in most of the web-projects.

News is an extendable extension which provides a fast way to implement various listings with well-defined templates to start with. It also covers requirements like SEO and social sharing.

90% of all requirements from customers are solved once for all, and new features can be easily added to tackle the last 10%.

Support and custom addons for news

Creating extensions which extend EXT:news by additional fields, view or features. If it makes sense, those are merged into ext:news or into an own extension to provide the solutions to the community. Studio Mitte can also provide general support.

Want to learn more? See the people involved


Georg Ringer
Developer / Paid support
Studio Mitte
Developer / Paid support

Gallery & Features