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Extension Type:
Backend, Frontend
Extension Category:
Support for:
TYPO3 v11, v10

Successful SEO with support

Adding structured data for one page is easy, but an isolated solution. On another page, the same code is often rewritten with different content.

The extension provides a clean PHP API based on model classes to add structured data. Additionally, view helpers with defined arguments can be used in Fluid templates where customizations in existing PHP code are not possible. Incorrectly written properties are caught during development. Rendered data can be revised via the admin panel and checked with one click in's markup validator or Google's Rich Result Test. The types and properties of the vocabulary can be extended as needed.

The developer has a clean solution to add structured data in plugins and templates. The rendered output can be easily checked, both for a developer and for an editor or SEO specialist in the admin panel.

Want to learn more? See the people involved


Chris Müller

All relevant Information about Embedding vocabulary

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