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TYPO3 University Day Coming up in September 2017

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and TYPO3’s Academic Committee have announced that they will once again join forces to take on this year’s TYPO3 University Day (T3UD17) on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th September 2017. The event will be taking place in the center of Germany again, just south of Frankfurt am Main on the university’s campus. Last year’s T3UD16 turned out to be an outstanding success and this year we expect more of the same, further development of ideas and lots of networking. Join us in conversation and engaging talks - you are warmly invited to be part of this event.

When assigned teams stick their heads together to decide on which content management system to choose for their enterprise’s website, there is a lot to take into consideration.

Universities’ websites are no exception, quite to the contrary. Their sites tend to have a complex range of content in various languages. Different access rights of multiple editors need to be handled, student enrollment has progressively moved online in the past decade and alumni management needs to be taken into consideration, too. Their websites need to be visually enhancing, easy to navigate, they have to scale to different screen sizes (responsive design) and be appealing to students and those to-be. And, and, and.

A substantial market share of 60% of German higher education institutions use the open-source content management system TYPO3 for their website.

TYPO3 is powerful, it’s flexible and it has the structure that it takes to develop complex websites which are nevertheless user-friendly. Bringing the two parties together - namely the software makers and the universities using the software - to synthesize and evolve was a natural step and last year the joint event TYPO3 University Day came to be.

In a Nutshell: What is the TYPO3 University Day?

T3UD is a conference for universities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and for TYPO3 members. It takes place once a year in the center of Germany and aims at reaching a stronger involvement of the educational sector in the TYPO3 project.

The event is organized and hosted by Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. There are talks, workshops and the so-called “World Café” which aims at developing a new package to meet the specific needs of universities: the TYPO3 University Package (T3UP).

The conference offers a very practical approach. Here are a few examples of topics discussed at last year’s meeting:

  • Issues editors bump into when working with the TYPO3 backend were demonstrated by showing screenshots. Now, while developers are brilliant at coding, they do sometimes forget that not everyone is a coder. These screenshots demonstrated a totally different perspective, which was especially helpful for further development and for simplifying the handling of the CMS.
  • Extensions are one of TYPO3’s special features. The maintenance and further development of specific ones needs to be improved and guaranteed.
  • University Package (T3UP): the cooperation of universities and TYPO3 includes both the optimization of the collaboration between universities and the TYPO3 Association as well as the optimization of the collaboration between universities and the developers. It is even possible to contact the core team.

TYPO3 University Day 2017 is seeking sponsors

Reach thousands of TYPO3 professionals, influencers and future IT specialists who are now still studying, by becoming a sponsor of this official event. Sponsorship comes in various packages and with many benefits, but most importantly, it is an amazing opportunity to align your business with our message of improving the collaboration between universities, TYPO3 and agencies.

You can choose the level which suits you best and each tier level has a different set of benefits. The benefits stack upon each other as you move up the ladder. You will find detailed descriptions of the various options in our info brochure.

Are you interested in sponsoring the event? Do you have questions regarding the details?
Feel free to send me an email.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our sponsors from last time around and also to Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences for hosting us so well, to the organizational team who helped bring this good work on its way and of course to all of the enthusiastic participants. We look forward to our tasks and the further joint venture. Thank you!