Tag: Contribution

Contributing to open source can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be bewildering at first. Where to start? These articles will guide you through making your first contribution to the world of open source; from deciding what area you want to get involved in, right through to raising your first issue.

May 2018: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

As the new month begins, let’s take a moment to look back on last month’s achievements and - as usual - find a great deal of contributions to the TYPO3 Project. Developer Appreciation Day (DAD) is our chance to give thanks to all the hardworking people who strive to make our open source CMS top-notch. Learn more details in this post!

April 2018: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

Welcome back to Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)! We’re very happy to present another analysis of contributions to TYPO3 CMS over the last month to you. No doubt about it, you developers rock - thanks a lot to all of you! Check our current list for names and some truly impressive numbers.

March 2018: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)

The new month is in the starting blocks, which means: It’s time for Developer Appreciation Day (DAD). We are happy and grateful for everyone who contributed to the TYPO3 core over the last month. Here’s to you, all you hard working TYPO3 developers! Find some truly impressive numbers and the contributor’s names in our current blog post.

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - February 2018

Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TYPO3 CMS over the last month. No doubt about it, you coders rock! You’ve done an amazing number of contributions. Check our list for names and numbers.

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - January 2018

Now, that the first month of the year has passed, we’re - again - happy to share the contributions to the TYPO3 project with you. We’d like to thank each and every one for your ongoing support and your devoted work. Here are January’s names and some impressive numbers.

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - December 2017

Happy New Year to all of you! With 2018 now underway, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of the people who contributed to the TYPO3 core in December. Your engagement to the project is greatly appreciated and deserves special attention. Here's to you!

Want to Contribute to TYPO3 CMS? Welcome!

Being open source software, TYPO3 relies on helping hands who are doing their bit to maintain the high-quality CMS. Fortunately, there are a lot of them, as last month’s numbers have shown. Are you interested in contributing to the TYPO3 project, too? Learn how you can get active and become a part of the TYPO3 community. Welcome!

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - November 2017

As an open source software community we’re grateful for all of the ongoing contributions to the TYPO3 project through our creative and productive teams. Today, a special thank-you goes to all of our hardworking coders who were busy in November, and we’d like to share some of remarkable numbers with you!

Keen on Contributing Towards the TYPO3 Core?

TYPO3 Code Sprints aren’t limited to core team members: in fact, any TYPO3 developer is welcome at these get-togethers. We believe in sharing knowledge and hands-on learning. Find out more about the upcoming sprints - seize the opportunity and be a part our of community!

Platforms of the TYPO3 Project

Working with the TYPO3 project requires knowledge of all the different platforms that are part of it. Since first steps aren’t always easy, we’re providing a step-by-step guide which will support you with your contribution efforts: Take a look at these six steps.

What You Gain by Taking Part in TYPO3 Events

There are a whole lot of different TYPO3 events all year round, some more techy, others not. All of them a great opportunity for both enthusiastic beginners as well as experienced professionals to contribute towards TYPO3 CMS, to meet old friends and to make new ones.