Tag: Collaboration

Collaboration is a crucial feature of modern business work, combining workforces, visions and concrete ideas. As cliché as it may sound: Together we are stronger!

Call for Sponsors: TYPO3 Initiative Week 2019 Coming up

The #TYPO3 User eXperience Week (#T3UXW) has enhanced: We’re thrilled to announce the birth of TYPO3 Initiative Week (#T3INIT)! T3INIT combines the User eXperience Week with the TYPO3 Strategy Groups. Become one of the event’s sponsors and support it now!

Use TYPO3 Phar Stream Wrapper Package to Secure Any PHP Project

In response to a security issue that affects applications built with PHP, TYPO3 developed a solution to keep the project safe. The PharStreamWrapper was then extracted from the TYPO3 core and is now available as a stand-alone package for any other PHP driven project.