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Renew your Extended Long-Term Support (ELTS) for TYPO3 v8.7

TYPO3 v8.7 will be entering its second year of Extended Long-Term Support (ELTS) on April 1, 2021. While we always encourage our customers to upgrade to the latest version, we understand that tech teams may need a more flexible timeline. If you plan to use v8.7 after April 1, it’s time to renew your support plan.

Make a decision about ELTS

If you have v8.7 ELTS and are wondering what to do next, you have two options:

  • Upgrade your TYPO3 installation to the latest version 
  • Renew your ELTS plan to receive support 

We encourage organizations using TYPO3 to keep their installations up-to-date so they can enjoy the latest in security and features. Incremental updates are usually less complicated than the process of moving from a major version that’s several years old to the latest version. Rest assured that we’re working on making those incremental updates as easy as possible in future releases.

Sometimes large organizations need more time and resources to upgrade to the latest TYPO3 version. In that case, you can buy yourself some extra time by getting the ELTS version. If you purchased a plan for v8.7 in 2020, it’s time to renew.

What’s included in ELTS

ELTS includes security patches, bug fixes, and browser compatibility updates for versions of TYPO3 that are no longer supported by the Core Team. It also helps organizations stay compliant with GDPR and other regulations relevant to their business or operations. 

Visit our TYPO3 v.8.7 ELTS page for more information on what’s included and updates to the ELTS version. For v.8.7, ELTS will be available until March 31, 2023.

Make sure you’re set for 2021

Whether you’re running a multinational enterprise or a small non-profit, you’ll want your TYPO3 installation to remain reliable and secure. Give your customers and users the confidence to know they can trust your website and products. We’ll continue to offer support for TYPO3 v.8.7 for another two years, so if you’re not ready to upgrade, renew your ELTS plan today. 

ELTS 8.7 now available in the online shop

Starting with v8.7, upcoming ELTS versions–like v9.5–will be available for purchase in the official TYPO3 online shop. You will then be able to plan, buy, and extend your ELTS subscriptions from within your central hub: my.typo3.org. To ensure a smooth transition, ELTS will remain on typo3.com until support for versions v6.2 and v7.6 has fully expired.