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Budgeting in a Way That Increases Your ROI

It's hard to believe that people are still putting resources into static HTML websites these days. If all you want is a couple of pages for your site, using HTML web pages is fine. If, however, you intend to add content on a regular basis, and you want your site to be more than just a business card on the internet and actually do something for you, you need to change your tactic.

If you just keep adding more and more HTML pages, the website soon gets difficult to handle. Small things–like changing the navigation menu, adding a search box or replacing the header image–become big issues, because each and every page of the site has to be changed by hand. And that can drive even the calmest developer–and that’s who’ll be doing the changes–totally nuts. For a simple reason: it’s unnecessary. Also, the bigger the site gets, the more costly it will be to maintain. It’s no way to run a website. Today, there are better options, especially for enterprises.

What is a content management system (CMS)?

Content management systems (CMS) are web applications designed to to make it easy for non-technical users to create, edit, and manage a website. They’re an an underlying system for publishing and displaying content on a website.

The concept is simple: code and content are kept in different places in the underlying system. This gives you an interface that lets you easily make your own changes to your website and keep your site current, letting it grow and evolve with your business.

A content management system (CMS) like TYPO3 CMS makes handling content easy.

You don’t have to be a tech-savvy, anyone can learn how to do it. Which means that–while yes, you will need an agency for the initial setup–once that site is up and running, you can change content to your heart’s delight.

Let’s be reasonable. Let’s install TYPO3 CMS.

Choosing the right software for a business website is a complex, high-impact decision. There’s lots to take into consideration. If you’re facing this decision, you may find this checklist of questions helpful for getting a clearer picture of what you really want and need.

TYPO3 CMS is a truly powerful CMS that makes it easy to keep content organized and is a great choice for complex websites. It’s robust, user-friendly and it has the power it takes to build large websites and networks of websites too.

TYPO3 CMS is open source software (OSS) that’s regularly updated and well-maintained. It’s backed by an open source developer community, a service provider ecosystem, and a commercial arm, TYPO3 GmbH (that’s us!). The software itself is free of charge, you don’t need a license to use it, and it’s purposely designed with the idea that the source code is available.

Being OSS, you have the freedom to customize your website to be exactly as you’d like it to be. The software can be changed and modified in any way you choose and by any TYPO3 agency or TYPO3 freelancer you choose. You can create a highly personalized and inspiring website with each and every feature you’ve ever dreamed of having.

TYPO3 CMS is a content management system that enables building highly customized websites with a maximum of features.

By investing in a customized website, you’re not only creating a unique site, but also immediate ROI for your business. All of your investment goes into features and functionality.

Securing the value of your investments

Choosing OSS used to mean you were on your own when it came to support and maintenance. Today, you can contract with professionals to share that responsibility with you.

We are proud to be able to offer TYPO3 Service Level Agreements (SLA) for businesses - an official option for securing the value of your website! Engaging with TYPO3 GmbH on a Service Level Agreement makes your business more effective as it ensures a maximum uptime for your website. The risk of business failure or productivity losses are transferred from your business to us with a fixed-cost solution.

TYPO3 Service Level Agreements are straightforward:

  • Software can fail. If vulnerabilities show up in the TYPO3 core, we’ll fix them for you.

  • We have 5 different packages ranging from troubleshooting within 48 hours to support within 4 hours 7 days a week 24 hours a day (2 of the packages come with the option of having a personal account manager).

  • Depending on which SLA package you choose we’re able to guarantee a response time as quick as 4 hours.

When you have a critical problem we’re there to help you get your site up and running again. We know that in today’s world every minute counts. We handle the day-to-day. You focus on the big picture of your business.