TYPO3 ELTS 6.2 Extended for One More Year
Going with your guts can take you far, but relying on hard facts takes you even further.
In early May we sent a customer satisfaction survey to all our Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) 6.2 business customers. Now, after roughly a month of collecting and analyzing the responses, we came to an interesting conclusion. But let’s not beat around the bush, it’s time to share the results!
Here’s to you!
On behalf of the entire TYPO3 project we’d like to thank you for using our services so we can continue to improve and enhance TYPO3. We pay a lot of attention and spend a great deal of effort to make sure that our services and solutions are of high quality and provide value to our customers. This survey not only proved to us that we are doing it right, but also that there is room for growth.
Customer satisfaction is important to us and the biggest driver of future behaviour.
While survey fatigue seems to be a common problem, we had a totally different experience in that we got many responses. Cheers, folks! We truly appreciate your feedback. It helps us navigate through new ideas, bring the good ones to life and dump the ones that aren’t so good.
Clear demand for a third year of ELTS 6.2
86% of our business customers responded that Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) 6.2 was really helpful to them. For 72% of the survey participants there is a clear demand for a further renewal of ELTS 6.2 beyond March of 2019. This is a clear statement and we decided to extend ELTS 6.2 for one more year.
To make it official - you will be able to extend ELTS 6.2 for another year.
The third year of ELTS 6.2 will start on April 1st, 2019 and end on March 31st, 2020.
The third year of ELTS will provide you with:
Full support for TYPO3 6.2 until March 31st, 2020
Security updates for the TYPO3 6.2 core
Browser compatibility updates
General information on TYPO3’s support policy: LTS and ELTS
What is LTS?
TYPO3 has clearly defined update and support cycles. A new major version of TYPO3 is released every 18 months and the community supports every Long Term Support (LTS) version for three years with security and bug fix releases. This means that there are always two major versions being maintained. Currently that’s LTS version 7 and 8. The support periods can be looked up on the TYPO3 roadmap.
When a Long Term Support version reaches end of service after three years, you need to update or relaunch your web application to a newer version. You may find that you require extended support.
What is ELTS?
Sometimes there are good reasons for sticking to an older version, and that doesn’t have to be a problem. Maybe your website is still delivering everything you need. Or maybe the update of your website is just taking longer than expected. But one thing has to be a top priority at all times, and that’s staying on top of maintenance and security updates.
Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) lets you prolong the lifespan of your web application for up to 36 months in a safe and secure way and is always available for the most recent unsupported LTS version.
TYPO3 CMS version 6.2 was officially marked unsupported on March 31, 2017 when TYPO3 version 8.7 was released. If you’re still running TYPO3 version 6, TYPO3 GmbH offers peace of mind and a longer period of return on your investment through its Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) program.
Once TYPO3 version 9 is released in October 2018, ELTS for version 7 will begin. Initially, ELTS for version 6 was supposed to wind down six months after that in March 2019. Due to the keen interest shown in our recent survey, you will be able to subscribe for a third year of ELTS, ending on March 31st, 2020.
Thanks again for supporting the TYPO3 project and taking the time to answer the customer survey, we truly appreciate it. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Author's note:
With PHP 5.6 ending its official support in Dec 2018, the ELTS period of TYPO3 6.2 will run longer than any of its required PHP versions (see PHPs version support dates here). Even if TYPO3 will still provide you with security releases, PHP will not. Consider this fact in your decision making pro or con TYPO3 6.2 ELTS.