Tag: Website

A website is an accumulation of many related web pages on the internet, usually displaying different kinds of content, often based on HTML. A content management system (CMS) enables users to fill up websites with content without deeper knowledge of programming language.

Do You Know the Technical Condition of Your TYPO3 Website?

Whether your business website runs on TYPO3 or you make money building TYPO3 websites - knowing the technical condition of the site(s) is a top priority. TYPO3 Project Reviews guide website owners and builders in making well-informed decisions. Download a free example!

Best Practices: Style Guide Driven Development With TYPO3

How to develop a website that is both user-friendly and consistent? The solution is to combine TYPO3 CMS and a style guide driven development (SGDD). Learn how to use the latter to create websites with minimal design revisions in our best practices article.

4 Reasons Why So Many Enterprises Use a CMS Like TYPO3

There are lots of ways to build a website, using a content management system (CMS) like TYPO3 is one of them. TYPO3 puts you in the driver seat, lets you easily organize and edit content, and allows for multiple users to add content and keep it up-to-date. Browse our partner finder to find TYPO3 experts who can help you drive your business.

SUPR Shop Integration for TYPO3 CMS

Are you looking to add an e-commerce shopping cart solution to your TYPO3 website? The SUPR extension - provided by our Industry Partner Wirecard Technologies GmbH - is the newest addition to the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER). Find out more details about its installation, configuration and the program.

6 Reasons Why IT Decision Makers Turn to OSS Like TYPO3 CMS

There is one misconception about open source software (OSS) which stubbornly prevails: Since OSS is for free, it doesn’t require any costs whatsoever. While the software itself is free of charge, the implementation and regular maintenance is not. Yet, there are many reasons why IT decision makers turn to OSS solutions. Learn why in this blog post.

Reasons to Invest in a TYPO3 Project Review

A business website has different parts which all have to work well together. The logical consequence for many businesses is a reliance on TYPO3 when it comes to their online presence. If you’re involved with creating TYPO3 websites, you’ll want to make sure that everything works as it should. Our TYPO3 Project Review puts your websites to the acid test.

TYPO3 CMS Website Maintenance

Avoid unnecessary website headaches by planning ahead. A website maintenance plan is the most reliable method to keep your website up to date and safe. Here are 6 tips to stay ahead of the curve.

Why TYPO3 CMS Is Great for Enterprises

One of the reasons why open source software (OSS) is an excellent choice for enterprises is that it supports innovation. There are more good reasons, why you're well-advised to use TYPO3 CMS for building truly powerful websites. Are you curious? Take a look at this list we’ve compiled.

Own a TYPO3 Website? 4 Reasons You Should Invest in a Project Review

If you’re responsible for decisions made about your business’s website, you’ll want to be convinced, that your money isn’t spent in a way you would regret. Do you need a second opinion about your TYPO3 website? We offer Project Reviews. Let’s evaluate the state of your TYPO3 website with an objective, expert opinion.

When You’re Unsure of Your Holdings: TYPO3 Project Reviews

Are you involved in creating TYPO3 websites? Sometimes a second opinion is just what you need to gain peace of mind. TYPO3 Project Review give those involved in TYPO3 web projects the chance to get an objective analysis. Aspects we look into include the quality of the code itself, safety and performance.