SkillDisplay - New Year's Resolutions 2019
Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!
The year 2018 has ended, the new year 2019 has begun and as every year it is time for New Year’s resolutions not only for SkillDisplay, but also for you! Furthermore, we would like to reflect on the top learners, top event, top company and top school, who were learning and/or verifying TYPO3 skills in the last year. Therefore the blog post covers the following topics.
Top users of 2018
Set yourself TYPO3 goals for 2019
SkillDisplay’s goals for 2019: UX redesign
Top Users of 2018
Last year, a lot of stuff happened: we gained new partners, attended events and would like to show you now, who the most active parties in the course of the last year were. Everything is - of course - related to TYPO3 and TYPO3 education.
Let’s start with the top 3 learners
Due to data privacy, we won’t use real names for the first three sections.
Michael (Poland) marked 140 skills as self verified. The second place goes to Eric (Germany) who self verified 124. Peter (Germany) verified 101 skills.Education-verified
Luis (Germany) was able to achieve 27 edu verified skills. Julia (Austria) and Stephan (Germany) both got 24 skills verified by educational institutions.Business-verified
Andreas (Germany) has 29 business verified skills. The second place again is shared by two people: Nina (Austria) and Johannes (Germany) earned 27 business verifications.Certified
Here, we have some real names, that might even be familiar: First place goes to Thomas Löffler (Germany), followed by Willi Wehmeier (Germany). The third place goes to Dennis Geldmacher (Germany).
Best event: TYPO3 University Days
TYPO3 University Days acted as an educational institution on the SkillDisplay platform due to the course of the event. They were able to give students the educator-verification. The event took place in Mainz from the 24th to 26th of September, where three teams from Linz, Vienna and Mainz accepted the challenge to protect Mainz from dinosaurs and gain as much TYPO3 editor knowledge as possible by establishing the MainzificRim missions. Not only students but also interested people at the event were able to achieve the educational verification. In the course of the event, 211 skills were education-verified.
Best school: HTL Rennweg
HTL Rennweg is a higher technical education facility located in Austria. It offers studies for information technologies ("Network technologies" and "Internet and media technologies") as well as a department for mechatronics ("Automation") finishing with matriculation. In "Internet and media technologies" TYPO3 is taught in the course of the CMS subject. HTL Rennweg is the school which has the highest amount of given educator verifications.
Top 3 companies: F7 Media, Reelworx, comwrap
One of the most important parts are the companies partnering with us. From talks for students to workshops and being a supporter at MainzificRim, they did a great job in TYPO3 education. A big thank you goes to all of them, especially to our first three places, who showed extra commitment! The ranking relates to business verifications and looks as follows:
The first place goes to F7 Media GmbH from Hamburg, the second place goes to Reelworx from Linz and finally, the third place goes to comwrap from Frankfurt.
Top certifier: TYPO3
Even though there was no competition, we would like to exposure TYPO3 as our top certifier.
The three TYPO3 certificates TCCE v8, TCCI v8 and TCCD v8 are all available on the platform. Together, 1194 skills were marked as certified in the users’ profiles. We would like to thank the TYPO3 Education Committee as well as TYPO3 GmbH for making the SkillPaths belonging to the certifications possible.
Top skill: About a CMS
Besides users, we also chose to announce the top skills: The top skill is “About a CMS”, closely followed by “About TYPO3” and “Basic Usage of a browser“. All of these belong to the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor. If you didn’t gain these skills yet you should definitely learn and verify them now.
Set yourself TYPO3 goals for 2019
No matter if you are a learner, educator or a business person, we’ve got the right goals to help you improve your TYPO3 knowledge.
Learners: Plan and achieve your learning goal
(Note: This is just possible for our Closed Beta testers at the moment. Open Beta 2 - where the registration reopens - starts in the second quarter of 2019.)
As a learner, you should definitely learn something new! Reasons for that vary and can involve:
Upgrade your CV
Need it in school/for your job
Do a project/create your own website
Obtain a certificate
By picking “Obtain a certificate” as use case, you first need to find out which certificate you would like to achieve. There are SkillPaths for the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor, TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator and the TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer available. The SkillPath helps you with getting an overview of what you need to learn and with tracking your skills.
You can get more information about certificates here.
Educators: Plan and enhance your lectures
As an educator, you may think of enhancing your training, school class, university module, further education in your company or workshop. You can:
Benefit from structured learning by using SkillDisplay
Choose TYPO3 skills that match your curriculum
Partner with SkillDisplay and get support from a company
Verify students with the educator verification
Business persons: Use skill management in your company
As a business person your goal should be to educate your employees so they work state-of-the-art. Also you might think of working more efficient by deploying the right employee in the right position. By using SkillDisplay, you can verify your employees and get an overview of every employees' skills.
SkillDisplays’ goals for 2019: UX redesign
We already started our New Year’s resolution, as we started Closed Beta on 1st of January. Closed Beta will last for the first quarter of 2019. The user interface will be changed and we’ll get some new colours on our platform. Afterwards, Open Beta 2 is about to start. The platform will then open registration again and will be fully ready to use again. Read on to get more information about our resolutions.
SkillTree - The SkillTree itself is not a new functionality, however, in the future the SkillTree will be visualised automatically and can be seen on the platform. It includes skills and their dependencies to each other.
SkillSet - The SkillPath will be replaced by SkillSets. A SkillSet is a group of skills that is created by e.g. schools, business persons or certifiers.
Search bar - The search bar will help you find SkillSets, skills and rewards more easily.
Dashboard - The dashboard gives you an overview, which skills you have recently verified and which skills can be learned next. Also your rewards will be displayed in this section.
Colours/Logo - New colours and a new logo are waiting for you. As the shades of blue and green are hard to distinguish, there will be some new colours on the platform soon.
TCCE v9 - The TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor will be updated to version 9 in the course of the Closed Beta.
We are ready to achieve our resolutions, are you motivated as well? Then learn something new and/or verify skills! If you want more information - feel free to contact the SkillDisplay team!