University students help showcase TYPO3 in the UK
A collaborative project between the University of South Wales and TYPO3 GmbH

Students at the University of South Wales have been working alongside staff from the TYPO3 GmbH to develop a set of YouTube commercials to help promote TYPO3 in the UK.
Between December 2021 and February 2022 members of the TYPO3 GmbH visited second year Graphic Communication students to deliver a client pitch where students were asked to produce a short animated video to promote TYPO3 in the UK.
In addition, a series of training sessions and hands-on workshops were delivered to introduce students to the basics of the web and provide TYPO3 Editor training.
Project brief
To kick-start the project, students were presented with an overview of TYPO3, its history in the UK market and a breakdown of its key features. Students were then given the option to select what features they’d like to focus on and promote in their video.
Each video was graded by the course leader and contributed to the students final grade for the second year. Students were given three weeks to complete their video with GmbH staff visiting students once a week to provide feedback and offer support.
It was great to have the team from the TYPO3 GmbH on campus to deliver their pitch in person. Working with an established brand in a “live” scenario really helped encourage the students to come forward with their best ideas.
Liam Collins
Course Lecturer
Hands-on with TYPO3
Following on from the Christmas break, a set of workshops were delivered with the aim of giving the students some hands-on experience working with TYPO3.
Students were tasked with creating their own microsite that contained their finished video and some general information about their video.
toujou saves the day
Getting access to thirty instances of TYPO3 is no small feat and a huge thank you goes to toujou who provided each student with their own instance of TYPO3 free of charge ready for them to begin creating their microsites.
Thanks to the toujou backend "theme" module, students were able to quickly customise their TYPO3 instances by setting their own font, colours and logo without having to edit any templates or configuration files.
Next steps
The TYPO3 Marketing Team is currently in the process of producing a set of videos that showcase all of the students' work. At this point it will be down to the TYPO3 community to vote and decide which videos they think should be used in a real YouTube marketing campaign set to take place later this year.