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TYPO3 GmbH Releases Blog Extension

Our Blog extension is now available for download

We are proud to announce that we just released the extension powering this very blog. The main goal for this blog extension was to use TYPO3's core concepts and elements to provide a full-blown blog that users of TYPO3 can instantly understand and use.

While there have been other blog solutions in the TYPO3 universe throughout the years, we wanted a solution that was as close to the core as possible, show-casing the possibilities TYPO3 already delivers as core functionality as well as the maximum of flexibility we could come up with. Every element of the blog (posts, comment form, sidebar etc.) can be freely positioned and styled. You can therefore combine your blog with existing content or other plugins.

Pages as blog entries

Blog entries are simply pages of a special page type blog entry and can be created and edited via the well-known page module. Creating new entries is as simple as dragging a new entry into the page tree. 

Access rights for your editors, workspace- and language support and visibility are available in the same way as for every other TYPO3 page you have. No need for additional configuration.

Use all your content elements

All your existing elements can be used on the blog pages - including backend layouts, custom content elements or plugins. 

If you already built a slew of elements according to your CI you can just reuse them - your editors don't even have to learn a new way of editing content as they already know how to handle these elements. This way you can ensure a consistent and fully integrated look and feel of your blog within your website.


Flexible positioning

All parts of your new blog are usable on their own, so you can just use the elements you want. The different elements include for example the comments and comment form, a sidebar or the list of blog posts. All these elements can be used as separate content elements and therefore be positioned and used wherever you want.

For example you could use the sidebar widget on your homepage to showcase your latest entries. You can add the comment form on a separate page. You can position the sharing buttons wherever you want.

Customizable Templates

Templating is done via Fluid templates. If you want your blog to have a custom look and feel just replace the templates and styles with your own. If you just want a quick blog installation, use the templates provided by the extension and just add your stylesheets.

To quickly get you started with using custom templates we also provided an example extension containing templates for the blog. The idea is that you can install the blog as it is either via composer or TER and have a separate location for your blog templates. For more information see blog template extension.

Categorization and Tagging

Use categories and tags to add meta information to your blog posts. Let your users explore your posts based on their interests navigating via tags or categories to find similar entries. Add posts from the same category to your posts to get your readers to read even more.

Categories and tags can also be used to add teasers to your blog entries on any other page. Imagine having a landing page for a specific topic - if you have a blog tag or category with that topic you can simply add posts from that category to your landing page.

Be social - share your posts

Enable sharing in the commonly used social networks by enabling a single checkbox. We are using shariff to enable privacy when sharing.

Answers to frequently asked technical questions

You'll find answers to other frequently asked technical questions, instructional clips and all sorts of helpful videos on our TYPO3 YouTube channel. Come along and join us there. If you find this useful, please share the link on your network.