Tag: TYPO3 Extension Repository

Extensions add a specific functionality to the TYPO3 core. The TYPO3 Extension Repository - or TER - is the place to go for browsing the wide range of free ones on offer. High five to all contributors!

Running a Blog With the Popular TYPO3 Blog Extension

Providing interesting and helpful content gives people a reason to keep coming back to your site. Business blogging has been steadily on the rise for the past decade. The popular TYPO3 Blog Extension makes running a blog incredibly easy.

Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Launched

From now on, everybody using the TYPO3 CMS (version 7 or higher) gets assistance from Yoast to write readable content and optimize it for search engines.

TYPO3 GmbH Releases Blog Extension

We are proud to announce that we just released the extension powering this very blog. The main goal for this blog extension was to use TYPO3s core concepts and elements to provide a full-blown blog that users of TYPO3 can instantly understand and use.