Tag: Optimization
Software testing is most important and optimization of code is one of the craved destinations in programming. Tests need to be smart and fast, based on risk and change, as code is written. And it's always work in progress, a task to keep coming back to.
How to Use JavaScript in TYPO3’s Backend
JavaScript can be found in all parts of a software system that interact with a browser, e.g. backend tasks, web servers and data processing. TYPO3 v7 and v8 support AMD modules by using RequireJS. One of the advantages of using RequireJS is an improvement in website performance.
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part VI: Integrity Tests
Integrity tests are an integral part of TYPO3’s quality assurance process. This fourth and final step in our review process is used to check communication paths between different parts of the system and shows that all modules work correctly together. If all runs smoothly, a patch is then merged into the core.
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part V: Acceptance Tests
All non-trivial software has bugs, they're an inevitable byproduct of writing software. It's a systematic review process which keeps them to an absolute minimum and ensures a high-quality. Acceptance tests are the third step we use for testing TYPO3's core before merging patches into the system.
How Do You Know When It's Time to Upgrade?
How do you know your website is due for an upgrade? Ask yourself these questions. And if you find that yes, it is time for an update, then TYPO3 GmbH can help you find a partner and can also explain TYPO3’s unique advantages amongst CMS providers. We're also glad to give a helping hand if your answer is "well . . maybe"!
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part IV: Functional Tests
After making changes to TYPO3´s core we always run a series of testing which consists of four different steps. Functional tests are an integral part of this review process and give answers to the questions “Did we build a correctly working software?” and “Does the software meet the business requirements?”.
The Attraction of Immediate ROI
Building a website on open-source software doesn’t mean the website is going to be free - it requires configuration, maintenance and ongoing support. But it does mean that you have free access to the source code and can have your website customized very precisely according to your wishes.
5 Steps to Make the “Golden” Years of a Website Healthier!
It’s important to evaluate new technology before applying it to your website. Thriving in the digital era means adapting to the right standards at the right time. And there are ways to increase the lifespan of your website and make it last a while longer.
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part III: Unit Tests
Units are the smallest testable parts of software. The workflow patterns we use for testing TYPO3´s core have evolved over time and unit testing became an integral part quite a few years ago. This was after experiencing rather strange issues when first integrating the scheduler into the core.
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part II: On Hardware & Dockers
Developing a successful and strong software requires a decent development platform with specific hardware, third-party software and parallelization of jobs. An efficient communication between this setup and other parts of the system ensures that processes run smoothly and swiftly.
Testing TYPO3's Core - Part I: Infrastructure
Automatic testing is integrated into the process of developing TYPO's core. Every patch version that is pushed to the review system goes through a standard process and multiple verification ensures that the software conforms to requirements.
Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Launched
From now on, everybody using the TYPO3 CMS (version 7 or higher) gets assistance from Yoast to write readable content and optimize it for search engines.