Tag: CMS

Content management systems (CMS) are used for displaying a website. The kicker of a CMS? Code and content are kept in different places. The code of any CMS is usually managed in a source code management system like Gerrit or GitHub - that’s where it “lives”. Content on the other hand “lives” in the CMS. This means that anyone can make changes with amazing speed and flexibility.

Want to Contribute to TYPO3 CMS? Welcome!

Being open source software, TYPO3 relies on helping hands who are doing their bit to maintain the high-quality CMS. Fortunately, there are a lot of them, as last month’s numbers have shown. Are you interested in contributing to the TYPO3 project, too? Learn how you can get active and become a part of the TYPO3 community. Welcome!

Why TYPO3 CMS Is Great for Enterprises

One of the reasons why open source software (OSS) is an excellent choice for enterprises is that it supports innovation. There are more good reasons, why you're well-advised to use TYPO3 CMS for building truly powerful websites. Are you curious? Take a look at this list we’ve compiled.

Budgeting in a Way That Increases Your ROI

A content management system like TYPO3 ensures building a highly customized business website with a maximum of features, tailored according to your wants and needs. You can contract professionals to secure your website’s value: Opt for one of TYPO3 GmbH’s Service Level Agreements (SLA).

Unmasking 3 Myths About OSS CMS

When it comes to open source software (OSS), content management systems (CMS) and doing business, some misconceptions stubbornly prevail. It's time to dispel a few of these myths.

OSS and the Call for Professional Support

Not too long ago, proprietary software ruled the roost when it came to websites. Meanwhile, the software landscape has been radically transformed by open source software. With this development, the call for professional support became louder and louder.

OSS vs. Them: Redefining Your Competitive Model

Open source software (OSS) projects often find themselves battling against each other when they should be collaborating. A win for one OSS solution is a victory for us all. Instead of fighting, we should be celebrating each other's wins and tackling our common enemy: proprietary software.

5 Steps to Choosing the Right Software for Your Website

When it comes to websites one thing's for sure: everyone wants software that’s smooth, safe and comfortable. Plus powerful, of course. We've compiled a whole bunch of questions that aim at helping you explore, investigate and evaluate the software market.

TYPO3 ELTS Release Version 6.2.35

After 3 years of free support, TYPO3 LTS version 6.2 was officially marked as unsupported this spring. Since then, Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) can be booked to keep things safe. This week, TYPO3’s core team has released yet another ELTS security release: version 6.2.35.

TYPO3 ELTS Release Version 6.2.32

If you opt for TYPO3 GmbH's Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), you gain peace of mind. Our newly released version 6.2.32 lets you stay on top in terms of maintenance and security updates.

Securing the Value Your Website Delivers

Your website is valuable. It’s where people learn about you and make orders, and find their way to your locations. Staying on top of maintenance and updates for your CMS needs to be a top priority at all times. But there are also ways of increasing the lifespan of your website if it’s still delivering everything you need.