Tag: CMS

Content management systems (CMS) are used for displaying a website. The kicker of a CMS? Code and content are kept in different places. The code of any CMS is usually managed in a source code management system like Gerrit or GitHub - that’s where it “lives”. Content on the other hand “lives” in the CMS. This means that anyone can make changes with amazing speed and flexibility.

TYPO3 ELTS Release Version 6.2.32

If you opt for TYPO3 GmbH's Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), you gain peace of mind. Our newly released version 6.2.32 lets you stay on top in terms of maintenance and security updates.

Securing the Value Your Website Delivers

Your website is valuable. It’s where people learn about you and make orders, and find their way to your locations. Staying on top of maintenance and updates for your CMS needs to be a top priority at all times. But there are also ways of increasing the lifespan of your website if it’s still delivering everything you need.

TYPO3 Version 8 LTS Has Been Released

We are proud to announce the release of the new Long Term Support version v8 LTS. More than 250 contributors made this giant leap forward possible for TYPO3 within the last 18 months.

Why Use TYPO3 as CMS

No matter if you’re a start-up, a sole proprietor or a large global company, TYPO3 offers everything a modern website needs in the public domain. It’s a CMS that can adapt to all changes and needs for company growth.

How to Find a Developer Friendly CMS

In a developer friendly CMS it takes less effort to implement changes. Less effort commonly means it’s cheaper. So let’s see what makes a CMS developer friendly.

What to Look for in a CMS

Today there's a myriad of options available when you’re looking for the right CMS to build your website. In this post we want to share some advice on what you should consider when choosing a CMS.

How to Judge the Usability of a CMS

Websites today thrive on content; preferably high-quality content. To generate content you have editors working in your CMS day-in, day-out.