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SkillDisplay - HTL Rennweg's New Web and Management Skills

Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!

In the course of the Erasmus+ project, TYPO3 has already been able to create SkillSets matching their certificates for version 8, 9, and 10, which are getting updates thanks to the TYPO3 GmbH and the TYPO3 Association. Now HTL Rennweg, a technical high school from Vienna that is also part of the European joint project, published SkillSets for Web Technologies, Project Management: Scrum and Project Management: Waterfall. As well as using them for their own lectures, they have also decided to make the skills publicly available.

This time the following topics are covered:

  • HTL Rennweg provides skills for everyone
  • Introducing the new SkillSets
  • TYPO3 Certification Related SkillSets
  • Your own skills as an educator, a business person or a certifier
  • Download your progress
  • Start your journey now!

HTL Rennweg provides skills for everyone

The technical high school based in Vienna have created their own skills for topics for which none are available yet. As one of their specialisation areas is media technology and more specifically web technologies, a SkillSet for this area was created that matches the syllabus of the lectures. There is also a strong project management focus, teaching students both waterfall and Scrum along with applying the knowledge in projects. The best part about it: they are making their skills available for you and everyone. To get more information about HTL Rennweg and to get an overview about their SkillSets, visit their public profile. This is now also possible without being a user of the SkillDisplay platform. Just use the “Continue without registration” button.

Introducing the new SkillSets

Note for potential certifiers: As the skills are created by an educational institution, we are currently looking for associations who consider themselves specialists of certain skills. Read on to get more information about the topics and how to become the official certifier of certain skills.

Web Technologies

The web technologies SkillSet is available here. To give you a little preview, I have decided to list some of the included skills:

  • MySQLi and its basic relational database operations like SELECT, INSERT, etc.
  • What is Node.js including the difference between Node.js and JavaScript in a browser.
  • Composer basics and its usage for PHP projects.

The Doctrine ORM library used for a PHP program.

Project Management: SCRUM

The next SkillSet is about the agile project management method SCRUM including:

  • What a sprint is and why they are used.
  • Sprint Backlog and how to use User Stories.
  • How to perform a Sprint Planning Meeting and their two phases.

Epics and how to write those.

TYPO3 Certification Related SkillSets

If you want to learn more about the latest TYPO3 SkillSets, created and sponsored by TYPO3 org and the TYPO3 GmbH, you can find these here:

  • TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor 9 LTS to access skills on a beginner level.
  • TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator 9 LTS to access skills on how to create templates and configure extensions.
  • TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer 9 LTS to access skills for experts, that amongst other things create extensions for TYPO3 platforms.

After learning and verifying all skills of a SkillSet with the self-verification button, you might consider doing the official online certification by TYPO3. Also, SkillSets for version 10 are on their way and will be teased in SkillDisplay’s next blog entry!

Your own skills as an educator, a business person, or a certifier

If you are:

  • a university or school like HTL Rennweg
  • an employer, like Reelworx
  • the representative of the industry, like TYPO3 

you have the possibility to create your own skills and SkillSets. If you are interested, please contact SkillDisplay to get more information.

We are also looking for organisations that are interested in becoming the official certifier for the new SkillSets or a part of it.

Download your progress

Another new feature of the SkillDisplay platform is that you can now download an overview of your achieved skills. After registering and logging into your profile, visit your public profile and click the download button!

Start your journey now!

Learn something new and verify it by yourself, your teacher, and/or your employer! All you have to do is register on the SkillDisplay platform, and choose a SkillSet of your choice!