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SkillDisplay - Attend #T3CVIE as an Educator

Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!

Tickets for TYPO3 Camp Vienna are already sold out, but if you are an educator, who is interested in content management systems, SkillDisplay gives you the opportunity to attend the camp for free. All you have to do is writing an email with the subject “T3CVIE Educator”. The event takes place in Vienna from 10th to 12th of May, 2019.

If you are asking yourself whether you are the right person and should attend, read the blog post and figure it out!

Topics covered in this blog post:

  • Reasons for attending as an educator

  • About T3CVIE

  • SkillDisplay as an educational partner

Reasons for attending as an educator

You are the person who creates the future, as you are educating the next generation. You should definitely attend the camp if you are interested in new web technologies and want to teach your students state-of-the-art content.

Besides that, you are able to meet people from the industry who are working on the content management system TYPO3 and therefore you are at the source. By cooperating with companies, you can give your students the possibility to have direct access to the working environment and take away fears of interacting with professionals.

Additionally, SkillDisplay provides educational resources and prepared talks that can help you in future lectures. The educational resources can be adapted to your syllabus and are ready-to-use. We are also happy to announce, that we have partners, who would like to cooperate with your school/university.

If you want more information about the camp and the plans of SkillDisplay, read on!

About T3CVIE

The 3rd international TYPO3 Camp in Vienna takes place in the SAE Flagship Campus in the heart of Austria’s capital. The camp is organized as a barcamp, therefore sessions and topics are determined by the attendees of the event. SkillDisplay planned some sessions as well – find out more about them below!

TYPO3 Certification

Besides sessions and networking, there is the possibility to take exams for becoming TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor (TCCE), Integrator (TCCI), Developer (TCCD) or Consultant (TCCC). If you are taking the exam, you can use the adequate SkillSets for your preparation. The SkillDisplay team wishes you the best of luck for the exam!

By visiting the SkillDisplay booth, you can get more information about how the TYPO3 Education Committee built sustainable exam content based on skills.

SkillDisplay as an educational partner

SkillDisplay is the educational partner of T3CVIE, therefore, not only do we provide free tickets for 10 educators, but we have also prepared sessions and educator boxes. Additionally, you can explore SkillDisplay’s new user interface.

Planned sessions by SkillDisplay

The sessions we have planned are all about skills and are built up as follows:

  • 21% - The skills you should check out for TCCE 9 LTS
    The new features of TYPO3 v9 needed to be adapted into the certification. Therefore, the SkillSet from the Certified Editor has already been updated by the TYPO3 Education Committee as well as the TYPO3 GmbH. The talk will be about the changes and what you will need to learn to master the v9 exam.

  • Professional skill management in your company
    In this talk, we will explain how you can track the skills of your employees and therefore get an overview of what your company is capable of doing and where it still needs improvement. This talk may also be interesting for teachers, as they can manage the skills of their students by creating an online classroom.

  • Dinosaurs Attack! Bring your juniors up to speed with TYPO3 gamification.
    We explain how you can bring gamification into your classroom or company. MainzificRim is a ready to use package, where students and/or new employees are able to protect a city from a dinosaur attack while learning the TCCE skills.

Educational Resources

Educator Box

The Educator Box includes:

  • ExplanationSheet - How to use the box.

  • LectureSheets - They contain topics like “Introduction”, “Setup” and so on. These sheets give an overview of a possible organization of an annual plan and can easily be integrated into the class.

  • SkillSheets - For each topic from the LectureSheets, there is a SkillSheet with suitable skills that are part of the TCCE SkillSet on the SkillDisplay platform.

  • BusinessSheet – This is created with and helps with the setup of a TYPO3 instance.

  • Educational Resources – Additionally, our educational partner HTL Rennweg - located in Vienna - created educational resources. The SkillSheets of the educational institute include best practice material of their own TYPO3 classes and can be used in addition to the standard SkillSheets.

Gamification Box

The Gamification Box consists of three missions plus one secret mission. Their purpose is to learn TCCE skills while rescuing Mainz from a dinosaur attack.

The four missions:

  • The Tutorial
    The students are learning about content management systems, TYPO3 and roles that are available in TYPO3. The frontend and backend as well as secure passwords are also part of this chapter.

  • The Real Crisis
    Backend structure, content elements and the rich text editor are necessary to warn people of Mainz. Also, media formats and working with files is part of the second chapter.

  • Prepare the Rescue
    The creation of user groups is necessary, so trusted reporters can submit vital information. The learners will earn knowledge about extensions, especially the news extension.

  • The Secret Missions
    The most important information needs to be translated into Japanese, so people who cannot read English are able to find out about evacuation plans, too.


The SkillDisplay platform is presented at the SkillDisplay booth. You can have a look at available SkillSets as well as the new UX design.


SkillSets consist of knowledge, connected to each other. Every SkillSet has a purpose, for example it can help you by preparing for a certification exam. Therefore, the TYPO3 Education Committee as well as the TYPO3 GmbH created SkillSets for the TCCE, TCCI and TCCD exams.

New user interface design

Explore the new user interface of SkillDisplay. Due to closed beta, SkillDisplay has got a new design. Registration is already opened again and ready to use!

Attend the TYPO3 Camp Vienna

Now that you have all the information, it is time to write an email including the subject “T3CVIE Educator”. It will be a pleasure to meet you at the camp!

Be aware, SkillDisplay is only able to provide the ticket for the event. Accommodation and travel costs need to be paid by the participant itself.