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Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - October 2022

Kudos to Coders!

As October has given way to November it’s time to reflect on what the past month has brought us. Recapping the evaluation of our most recent contributions to the TYPO3 core, we find some remarkable numbers. You guys are truly amazing!

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

Last month we had altogether:

  • 46 contributors
  • 33 patch authors
  • 252 reviews (16 features, 65 bugfixes, 160 tasks)
  • 7 documentation improvers
  • 11 contributors (24 issues, 39 merge requests)

Your contributions - Your TYPO3

We could not accomplish our goals without the support, involvement and engagement of all you dedicated developers who contribute towards the TYPO3 project. It’s important to us that you all know just how much we appreciate your work.

Your contributions are the foundation of the TYPO3 open source platform - thank you!

This month's authors

This month, a special thank you goes to Nikita Hovratov, Oliver Klee, Stefan Bürk, Benni Mack, Torben Hansen, Albrecht Köhnlein, Georg Ringer, Andreas Fernandez, Chris Müller, Wouter Wolters, Anja Leichsenring, Tomas Norre Mikkelsen, Oliver Bartsch, Christian Kuhn, Benjamin Kott, Benjamin Franzke, Lina Wolf, Markus Klein, Elias Häußler, Sascha Egerer, Jochen, Andreas Kießling, Thomas Löffler, Jonas Eberle, Oliver Hader, Markus Zipfel, Simon Schaufelberger, Frank Nägler, Sebastian Michaelsen, Jan Stockfisch, Claus Harup, Jörg Bösche, Stefan Froemken, Johannes Przymusinski, Felix Nagel, Karsten Nowak, Rudy Gnodde, Kevin Appelt, Mathias Brodala, Josef Glatz, Mario Lubenka, Susanne Moog, Simon Gilli, Stephan Großberndt, André Buchmann and Annett Jähnichen for your ongoing dedicated work.

All of your contributions, reviews, testing and reports on issues are highly appreciated. They’re what make TYPO3 into such a powerful and stable software solution.

Documentation improvers

A very big "thank you" to all documentation contributors for their help to extend and improve the documentations of TYPO3: Chris Müller, Sybille Peters, Lina Wolf, Christian Kuhn, Rune Piper, Rémy DANIEL and Julian Hofmann improvers

Another thank you goes out to all for their help to maintain and extend the website of TYPO3: Eric Bode, TYPO3 Renovate Bot, Stefan Busemann, Oliver Hader, Philipp Kuhlmay, Desiree Lochner, Thomas Löffler, André Spindler, David Steeb, Matthias Stegmann, Andri Steiner

Contact Us

For many developers, programming is a labor of love and you’ll spend many hours programming away from work. But a day only has 24 hours. We highly appreciate all of the employers who support the TYPO3 open source project by giving you time off work. Without their generous support, TYPO3 wouldn’t be where it is today. Does your employer give you time off work to contribute towards TYPO3’s core? Contact us so we can get your company listed here!

See you next time

We’re grateful to have so many people involved in the our open source project–people who believe in bringing good ideas to life, and who are truly passionate about our powerhouse content management system TYPO3. Remember: all it takes is a single contribution to make a difference! Stay tuned for November’s recap that we’ll be publishing on somewhen next month.