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Create and Manage Google Ads Directly in your CMS!

The TYPO3 Project is bringing enterprise technology to everyone! Announcing the official Google Ads integration for TYPO3 CMS.

Google Ads offers vast reach in online marketing, but until now, its complexity has been a high barrier to entry. TYPO3 Project’s official Google Ads integration changes all that. Now you can create, manage, and measure your ads right where you need them: in your CMS backend. It is one more reason TYPO3 is the CMS of choice for small businesses, digital marketers, and anyone doing business online.

At TYPO3 GmbH, small business owners, website owners, and freelancers have been asking us for help getting Google Ads into their TYPO3 installations. Working with our official Industry Partner, Google, we dedicated over a year of developer time to making Google Ads as easy to use as possible for everyone in the TYPO3 Project. The result is a simplified onboarding experience that helps you get set up and running ads quickly and easily.

The power of the leading online advertising platform is within your reach today, whatever the size of your website, agency, business, or budget. Can’t wait to see it?

Download and try the Google Ads integration today—for every size of TYPO3 installation!

Enterprise for any size

Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is a powerful digital marketing toolset with enormous reach online. Until now, it’s been a tool for professional digital marketers who mastered its notoriously steep learning curve and its payoffs seemed reserved for those with deep pockets.

The official TYPO3 CMS integration puts Google Ads within reach for the rest of us: small business owners, local shops, businesses, and entrepreneurs. Now you can start advertising online without a dedicated internal digital marketer. Create and manage ads right where you work every day—in the backend of your website.

Promoting a product or service online is easy. With the TYPO3 Google Ads integration and your Google Ads account, all you have to do is click “Create Ad” in your site backend to get started. The ad creation and editing process is straightforward, with keyword suggestions, location targeting, and easy scheduling. You can see previews of how your ads will appear online, control when, how long, and where they will appear—great for attracting locals to your special offer, happy hour, or seasonal sale.

The integration is free to use for anyone with a Google Ads account—you define your campaign budgets in the TYPO3 backend and pay Google for its services—and works with any size of TYPO3 website.

Three easy steps to promote your site

Creating Google Ads has never been easier:

  1. Select Page - Navigate to the page you want to promote in your TYPO3 backend.
  2. Define Your Budget - Set the daily budget for your ad and fine-tune any settings you need.
  3. Done - Submit your ad to Google and monitor your campaign.

All ads created through Google Ads for TYPO3 can be managed through the TYPO3 backend, as well as in the Google Ads management interface. You keep the full control over all your campaigns.

Can I use it? Yes, I can!

Enhance your business with the power of online advertising. Add Google Ads to your TYPO3 version 8 or 9 websites, backed by the experience and expertise of TYPO3 GmbH and Google. We’ve built this integration to serve the freelancers, business owners, and small players at the heart of our professional community. This release is the first of many more to come. We’ll be adding lots more features to future versions, like powerful analytics and reporting.

Get your ads on Google today!

Learn more or download the Google Ads for TYPO3 Integration from the TYPO3 Extension Repository and Packagist—now available for TYPO3 versions 8.7 LTS and 9.5 LTS.