Author: Frank Nägler

Frank loves solving hard problems with code, enjoys building cool stuff, and works as CTO for TYPO3 GmbH. He's been developing the TYPO3 CMS core since October 2014 and programming professionally since 2000. When he first started with TYPO3, version 3.6 was still in place. In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf and flying drones and has been an active member of the German Red Cross (GRC) for over 30 years.

On Custom PHP Extensions & TYPO3 Development Skills

There are three common approaches to building custom PHP extensions. How to acquire the skills you need to make them? Wouldn’t it be great to give a less experienced developer an opportunity to learn, and give them on-the-job training?

TYPO3 Blog Extension 8.7.1 and 7.6.1 Released

We’re pleased to announce that two new versions of the TYPO3 Blog Extension have been released: 7.6.1 and 8.7.1. Find out more about the recent changes. In today’s post, we also give an insight into new features that will be introduced to the extension when the next LTS version, TYPO3 v9, is released later this year.