Verified Extensions and Integrations for TYPO3 are here!
About Verified Extensions and Integrations
With the new Verified Extensions and Integrations program, TYPO3 takes an important step forward in strengthening the TYPO3 ecosystem. A greater emphasis on system stability and transparent release cycles enable better long-term planning for your TYPO3 project.
Verified Extensions and Integrations commit to adhere to TYPO3 coding standards, provide good documentation, and support appropriate levels of test coverage. In line with the TYPO3 core release schedule, Verified Extensions and Integrations are supported for three years, after which a commercial plan for security updates will be offered. In addition, Verified Extensions and Integrations will be updated in sync with new TYPO3 releases, making it easier to kickstart new projects and upgrade existing TYPO3 installations.
Learn more about Verified Extensions and Integrations
Verified Extensions and Integrations provide an opportunity for technical partners to demonstrate their long-term commitment to TYPO3 and showcase the diverse solutions they provide to TYPO3 users.TYPO3 GmbH first presented the concept in June during the TYPO3 Onlinedays event, and thirteen Verified Extensions and Integrations are now verified.
Strong partners for TYPO3
Among them are widely used extensions, including Container, News, and Mask, as well as commercial solutions, including Lux and Celum. The extension authors and vendors are enthused by the increased visibility provided by the Verification program.
CELUM is very excited to join the Verified Integrations program and deepen our partnership with TYPO3. We’re confident that the program’s high standards will ensure greater compatibility and functionality for combined CELUM and TYPO3 projects of all kinds.
Roman Leeb, Head of Marketing, CELUM GmbH
These thirteen Verified Extensions and Integrations lay the groundwork for an already expanding program. The next set of Extensions and Integrations will be incorporated into the program in the coming weeks. We’re pleased to announce that Headless, Powermail, Content Publisher, Yoast, Mautic, and additional partners are currently working to fulfill the requirements needed for verification.
We’re in ongoing conversations with future partners and expect the Verified Extensions and Integrations program to expand rapidly.
You can find all Verified Extensions and Verified Integrations on our new website. Please contact us directly if you’d like to include your authored extension or integration in this program.