TYPO3 Higher Education Package - Update to Version 9.4.0
A few weeks ago we released version 9.4.0 of the TYPO3 Higher Education Package.
The importer for personnel data is now able to import categories as well. They will be created as system categories and can be used to create personnel listings based on categories.
Personnel are now included in the search (if ke_search is used as a search engine), they will be displayed including the image and categories in the search result page. Furthermore, “Teaser Container” has been introduced. It can contain one or more image teasers. Those teasers can be used to create image links to pages or external URLs and extend the visual possibilities for the frontend.
The check for alternative texts introduced in 9.2.0 has been extended so that in certain cases the check can be disabled. This is useful e.g. for content elements which use background images or have auto-generated alternative texts. By default this feature is activated for menu background images and personnel images. The usage of the customizable colors (primary, secondary and spot color) has been optimized in various places in order to eliminate inconsistencies. Sites with customized colors now appear in a more unified look.
The department kickstarter introduced in 9.3.0 has been extended by adding the possibility to select custom colors when creating a new department. The colors will be saved as typoscript constants and can be changed afterwards. A new feature toggle has been created: The Youtube and Vimeo content element can now be enabled or disabled with just a click.
A bug has been fixed in the subnavigation where javascript errors have been thrown on pages without subnavigation.
The next sprint is planned for October, so expect the next release in fall this year.