Protect The Value of Your Website With a TYPO3 SLA
When it comes to your mission-critical website, you don’t want to take chances. You need to make sure it’s working smoothly and flawlessly at any given time. Since your website is no less than the heart of your digital business, you should make its maintenance your top priority. Let’s look at how an SLA can help with safety, security, and accountability!
Using regularly updated software should be a matter of course. It is a key factor in generating an increased return on investment (ROI) over time. In fact, regular software updates are even more than a “key factor” since they were made mandatory in many places. In Germany, with the introduction of a new IT security law in 2017, in the European Union in 2018 with GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation. Further, similar laws and regulatory frameworks are springing up all around the globe. However, you should not only take care to use updated software but also consider how to protect the value of your website as a whole. How do I do that, you ask? The answer is three little words: Service Level Agreement (SLA).
What is an SLA?
In short, Service Level Agreements ensure the right to receive technical support for your website. With fixed costs, practical solutions, and higher prioritization, the aim is to keep your TYPO3 installation top-notch. Usually, it’s your TYPO3 agency that provides support and services to make your website shine. But what if you encounter a vulnerability or a problem within the underlying content management system, say, the TYPO3 core?
Fortunately, in this case, you can contact us, TYPO3 GmbH, to help you out. Opting for a TYPO3 SLA means that we have your back with experienced developers who identify, qualify, and ultimately fix the issue. Merely identifying the source of the problem can be a challenging and time-consuming task. We’ll take care of it. We want you to focus on your daily business without having to worry about your tools, too.
How do I get support?
Once you find an issue, talk with your TYPO3 development partner—this could either be an agency, a freelancer, or your in-house development team. If they trace the problem back to the TYPO3 core, the appropriate person gets in contact with us through our service desk. In close collaboration, our development team will fix the issue and make sure the fixes are incorporated in future versions as well.
What’s in it for me?
A reasonable question, your honor. Here are some benefits that await you if you opt for one of TYPO3 GmbH’s SLAs:
- Priority bug fixing: We will deal with any vulnerabilities within the TYPO3 core instantly.
- Five different support packages with quick response times, from troubleshooting within 48 hours to support within 4 hours.
- A personal account manager is optional in two packages
- Flexible and reliable service: Online, telephone, and email support.
Let us make your business more productive with a TYPO3 SLA. We will take care of your software so that you can take care of your business. Click below to find out more about our Service Level Agreements for more security, peace of mind, and concentration on your day job!