May 2020: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)
Kudos to coders!
As May has given way to June it’s time to reflect on what the past month has brought us. Recapping the evaluation of our most recent contributions to the TYPO3 core, we find some remarkable numbers. You guys are truly amazing!
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Last month we had altogether:
- 60 contributors
- 28 patch authors
- 143 reviews (68 bugfixes, 65 tasks)
- 12 documentation improvers
Your contributions - your TYPO3
We could not accomplish our goals without the support, involvement and engagement of all you dedicated developers who contribute towards the TYPO3 project. It’s important to us that you all know just how much we appreciate your work.
Your contributions are the foundation of the TYPO3 open source platform - thank you!
This month's authors
This month, a special THANK YOU goes to Oliver Bartsch, Frank W Blank, Jörg Bösche, Mathias Brodala, Riccardo De Contardi, Sebastien Convers, König David, Jonas Eberle, Christian Eßl, Andreas Fernandez, Benjamin Franzke, Achim Fritz, Stefan Frömken, Tobias Gärtner, Simon Gilli, Josef Glatz, Daniel Goerz, Jonas Götze, Oliver Hader, Richard Haeser, Torben Hansen, Daniel Haupt, Thomas Hohn, Nikita Hovratov, Helmut Hummel, Björn Jacob, Annett Jähnichen, Johannes Kasberger, Oliver Klee, Markus Klein, Sebastian Klein, Jan Kornblum, Jörg Kummer, Anja Leichsenring, Thomas Löffler, Benni Mack, Susanne Moog, Tymoteusz Motylewski, Chris Müller, Mona Muzaffar, Frank Nägler, Xavier Perseguers, Thomas Pronold, David Rellstab, Georg Ringer, Marcin Sągol, Guido Schmechel, Alexander Schnitzler, Patrick Schriner, Manuel Selbach, Daniel Siepmann, Krystian Szymukowicz, Jonas Temmen, Riny van Tiggelen, Armin Vieweg, Richard Vollebregt, Wouter Wolters, Koen Wouters, Henrik Ziegenhain and Raphael Zschorsch.
All of your contributions, reviews, testing and reports on issues are highly appreciated. They’re what make TYPO3 into such a powerful and stable software solution.
Documentation improvers
Also, a very big THANK YOU to all documentation contributors for their help to extend and improve the documentations of TYPO3: Martin Bless, Mathias Brodala, Sascha Englert, Josef Glatz, Markus Klein, Peter Kraume, Sybille Peters, Georg Ringer, Daniel Siepmann, SNK - TYPO3 Team and Florian Wessels.
Interested in contributing yourself?
Being an open source project, TYPO3 CMS is highly depended on its devoted developers, marketers and other contributors alike. If you're interested in contributing to TYPO3 yourself, you're more than welcome to do so! Find out more about how to contribute to the TYPO3 core as well as the documentation.
See you next time!
We’re grateful to have so many developers involved in the our open source project–developers who believe in bringing good ideas to life, and who are truly passionate about our powerhouse content management system TYPO3. Remember: all it takes is a single patch to make a difference! Stay tuned for June’s recap that we’ll be publishing at the beginning of next month.