Barrier-free / Accessible responsive website relaunch
We want to be seen – Inclusive instead of exclusive.

About BSBH
The Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbund in Hessen e. V. (BSBH) - is the self-help organisation of the blind and visually impaired in Hesse/Germany. In its counselling centres and 10 district groups, everyone is advised independently and free of charge on various topics relating to eye diseases, therapy approaches, visual impairment, blindness, integration into school/work etc. "We want to be seen" – Inclusive instead of exclusive.

The requirement
The self-help organisation of the blind and visually impaired in Hesse – BSBH for short – commissioned us with the project of its website relaunch, in which the clear focus was on accessibility. There were basic guidelines to follow:
- A BITV score of at least 90 points had to be achieved.
- An expert opinion of the Technical University Mittelhessen (THM) was to be prepared after completion of the project.
- The specifications of had to be adhered to.
The aim of the project was to make central information on medicine, law, aids, life planning etc. easier to find for blind and visually impaired people and their relatives, to facilitate contact with local self-help groups, to make the website consistently accessible to people with impaired vision, to make it suitable for smartphones, to make it attractive for people with impaired vision as well through good design, to provide opportunities for participation through interactivity, and to address various groups of affected people in terms of diversity.
Within the framework of an IA workshop, presentation and use were developed and prototyping of the concept and web design was carried out by us. In addition, we were asked to develop a digital membership form and an extension to manage an event dates.

The solution
Based on t3quick, this project paid special attention to the special wishes and requirements of accessibility both technically and in the complete design development.
We developed an extension for event management and a digital membership application form, which was intended to create a paperless registration process for new members via barrier-free front-end editing. Also for the date administration we paid attention to the processing of different subgroups in the BSBH environment (different district groups). For this purpose, a special, barrier-free rights and role concept was developed.
The excellent accessibility of the site, which was also confirmed by the THM (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen), should be emphasized in this project. A BITV score of 98 out of 100 possible points was achieved.