How to Find a Developer Friendly CMS

In a developer friendly CMS it takes less effort to implement changes. Less effort commonly means it’s cheaper. So let’s see what makes a CMS developer friendly.

What to Look for in a CMS

Today there's a myriad of options available when you’re looking for the right CMS to build your website. In this post we want to share some advice on what you should consider when choosing a CMS.

Partner Program Pre-Launch Survey Results

When the TYPO3 GmbH was founded, one of the products planned was an official TYPO3 partner program, scheduled for the first half of 2017. To make good on that promise, we are currently working hard on the concepts and design of that program.

How to Judge the Usability of a CMS

Websites today thrive on content; preferably high-quality content. To generate content you have editors working in your CMS day-in, day-out.

Firefox AddOn: TYPO3 Workbench

The TYPO3 Workbench Plugin is an Firefox add-on that helps you to manage your TYPO3 Projects and offers you often needed information in the development process.

Cloudflare Optimizes Images With WebP

Several days ago Cloudflare announced on their blog that their image optimization engine "Polish" has been enhanced with a new feature that's enables recompressing images with the WebP format. To understand what this means, we need to understand what Cloudflare does in the first place.

SymfonyCon 2016 Recap

December 2016 began with a cool event in Berlin - SymfonyCon. We want to share our view on the event and most importantly how the PHP ecosystem in general and TYPO3 in particular are affected by this.

Join Us and Contribute!

In the last blog post we described how our infrastructure and setup works and what we wanted to achieve with it. Now you can experience it yourself! We just opened our infrastructure to allow public contributions - for example to the blog extension - and here is how it works.

Our Internal Workflow

In this post we want to give you a glimpse of how we are working internally, which tools we use and what the benefits of that workflow are to us.

TYPO3 GmbH Releases Blog Extension

We are proud to announce that we just released the extension powering this very blog. The main goal for this blog extension was to use TYPO3s core concepts and elements to provide a full-blown blog that users of TYPO3 can instantly understand and use.