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Announcing the TYPO3 Google Ads Integration Beta Program

The digital and online marketing toolkit is evolving. TYPO3 CMS now has an official Google Ads integration that can make the complex task of creating, placing, and managing ad campaigns easier for editors. This newly announced beta-version integration is a great example of how TYPO3 is focused on constantly improving how it serves the needs of agencies and their clients on the web.

The Google Ads + TYPO3 Beta Program is open today for TYPO3 GmbH partners. If you’re already a partner, contact us. Not a partner? Become a partner to join this beta and get early access to more programs like these in the future.

Google Ads - Powerful but Complicated

Paid search is a big part of online marketing. Google Ads and Facebook have a so-called “duopoly” in the marketplace. Last year 61% of the global online advertising budget was spent on either Google Ads or Facebook, with the lion’s share going to Google at 44%.

Google Ads is built for people that create and run advertising campaigns for a living. With great power comes complexity. According to Google, Google Ads offers

With all of these options and powerful functionality, it’s complex to create and place relevant ads. It might seem so complicated that an editor or small business owner might suffer from option paralysis and not run ads at all. They might not want to risk spending way too much money because they can‘t grasp what‘s going on, especially if they don’t know how to manage it. This means they are missing opportunities for increasing reach. Even Google’s July 2018 overhaul of their offerings promised “simpler brands and solutions for our advertising products” to address some of the perceived complexity.

Until now, one further complication was that editors needed to work on content in one place and Google Ads in another. We wanted to put the power of Google Ads directly into the hands of the average content editor—right in the CMS. That’s where the new, official Google Ads and TYPO3 integration comes in. This new integration will make it easy to understand and lowers the risks.

TYPO3 drives your digital success

At TYPO3 Conference Berlin, I talked about the future of TYPO3 as part of the opening keynote presentation (YouTube link). Part of that future is focusing on improving marketing and content toolkits for content editors. Advertising is a central part of increasing reach for many websites and applications.

We can help make this content creation and workflow easier for editors. Imagine if you had a “Create Ad” button as part of your content creation interface.

Now you can! While you’re drafting your article in the TYPO3 backend, you can consider how it will be promoted and make it happen then and there. Like this:

You also get a preview of the ad right in the backend. Add locations, start-dates, and so forth. Take your ad copy, right from the content you and your editors have already written. No switching between applications and interfaces.

And your ads are added automatically to your Google Ads account as a campaign, removing a lot of complexity.

The TYPO3 CMS Google Ads integration provides faster, easier, streamlined access to this powerful online advertising solution. Yet another example of how TYPO3 makes complex solutions easier for content editors.