Logos and media assets are downloadable below. For an in-depth guide, download the TYPO3 brand guidelines.
Our Logo
The corporate identity of the TYPO3 GmbH and the corresponding design are an important part of corporate communication. The corporate design is characterised by constant design elements. The most important are the logo, corporate font, corporate colors and the design grid.
The logo (word/figurative mark) consists of lettering "TYPO3" (word mark) as well as a graphic element, the so-called "Soul" (figuartive mark).
The minimum clear space surrounding the logo is 2 times x, where the value of x is dervied from one quarter of the logo height.
Forms of Display
While one should never use the word mark without the figurative mark, it is legitimate to use the figurative mark (so-called „soul“) without the word mark as a design element, provided that the figurative mark does not replace the logo.

Main logo

inverted (white on dark and black on light backgrounds)

inverted (mixed form on dark to black backgrounds)

Special form in exceptional cases (e.g. memberships), the same display forms apply as for the regular logo

don’t use any other colors than the defined ones

don’t change the position of symbol and word mark element

don’t change the shape or the colour of symbol and word mark element

don’t use the word mark element without the symbol
Primary Colors

Key Orange
CMYK 0/57/100/0
RGB 255/135/0
Hex #ff8700
RAL 2017

Stage Orange Dark
CMYK 0/67/100/20
RGB 201/94/2
Hex #c95e02

Stage Orange Mid
CMYK 0/67/100/0
RGB 237/109/5
Hex #ed6d05

Stage Orange Right
CMYK 0/33/70/0
RGB 250/184/92
Hex #fab85c
Secondary Colors

CMYK 100/44/24/10
RGB 0/103/146
Hex #006792

CMYK 100/30/0/0
RGB 0/128/201
Hex #0080c9
Black and Shades of Gray

CMYK 0/0/0/100
RGB 0/0/0
Hex #000000

CMYK 0/0/0/94
RGB 49/49/48
Hex #313130

Dark Grey
CMYK 0/0/00/68
RGB 81/81/81
Hex #515151

Mid Grey
CMYK 0/0/0/45
RGB 140/140/140
Hex #8c8c8c

Light Gray
CMYK 0/0/0/27
RGB 185/185/185
Hex #b9b9b9

Super Light Gray
CMYK 0/0/0/8
RGB 244/244/244
Hex #f4f4f4
Further Design Assets
Download Membership Badges
This download includes all official TYPO3 membership badges.
Please note that the usage of the membership badges is only allowed for members holding active memberships. If you would like to become a member, please explore your options here.