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A Global Standard for TYPO3 Certifications

The TYPO3 Certification Team is committed to the development of a global standard for TYPO3 certifications. The certification program verifies the knowledge of the certified and the organizations employing them. The exams consist of multiple steps, each requiring different expertise.

A Collaboration between the Certification and the Education Team provides learning materials to support the certification candidates.


The "TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor" (TCCE) manages pages and content with various page and content element types provided by integrators. The "TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor" creates new pages, restructures the page tree, sets up content properly in the context of TYPO3 and manages the localization of the created pages and content.

This SkillSet is based on TYPO3 version 12 LTS and was created by the TYPO3 Education Committee.

  • About a CMS

    A content management system is a software application for the collaborative creation, organization and editing of content, primarily in the online area.

    • I can explain what a CMS is.
    • I can explain how content and design are separated in a CMS.
    • I know about features and advantages using a CMS.

  • Frontend and backend

    The website, or respectively layout and content output, is called a frontend. Pages and contents are maintained in the backend, and then displayed in the frontend.

    • I can explain the difference between frontend and backend.
    • I know about the technical requirements of a browser when working with TYPO3.

  • Choosing a secure password

    The security of your own data, as well as the security of each organization, depends largely on the choice of secure passwords. Too simple, too short or repetitive passwords are often hacked and misused.

    • I know the guidelines for choosing a secure password.

  • Backend account

    Access to the backend is secured by a login (username and password). A backend user can be granted rights to work with modules, pages, and content. Backend users can be grouped for easy management. For any credential issues I know how to reset my password or that the administrator is to be contacted for further issues.

    • I know how to login into the backend.
    • I know what to do when I lost my credentials.
    • I know where to view and edit my user account details.
    • I know what multi-factor authentication is and how it increases the security of my account.

  • About backend users and backend user groups

    Users of a content management system can have different permissions. This allows users to focus on the features that are relevant to them.

    • I know that users can be granted/denied access to certain modules and operations in the backend.
    • I know what a backend user group is.
    • I know that backend users inherit all permissions from all their assigned user groups.

  • Roles in TYPO3

    In content management systems, people who work with the system can have one or more roles. TYPO3 established 4 core roles, which are backed by official certification.

    • I know the roles in TYPO3 and their corresponding tasks.
    • I know the tasks assigned to me according to my role.
    • I know whom to ask for issues that are not part of my role.

  • Basic usage of a browser

    A browser is the central application for viewing and using information on the Internet. In addition to accessing or displaying web pages, web applications such as a content management system can be used. With a browser form fields can be filled out and submitted to interact with a web application.

    • I can use a browser to reach a website or specific resource on the internet.
    • I can use forms with a browser.
    • I know that https offers a secure connection to a website and http doesn't.

  • Working with translations

    TYPO3 offers the function to deliver contents, datasets as well as metadata multilingual. Content elements can be translated via a "free" or "connected" mode. The number of languages that can be editorially recorded is not limited in TYPO3.

    • I can provide page translations in any pre-configured language.
    • I know the difference between the free and connected mode of translation and know how to configure them.
    • I can switch between the columns and the language view in the page module.
    • I can edit translated pages, content elements and data records.
    • I know the translation view in the module List.
    • I know how to provide and edit translations of file metadata.
    • I know the translation overview of the module Info.
    • I know that certain combinations of actions on content elements can lead to "mixed" mode and how to reset to "free" or "connected" mode.
    • I know that using "mixed" mode implies a lot of challenges when editing content (e.g.: changing the order of content elements).

  • Backend Structure

    The backend is divided into specific navigation components. A distinction is made between top bar, module menu, page tree, docheader, content area, directory tree and directory contents.

    • I know the backend structure.
    • I can find the module menu and explain the general tasks related to the modules.
    • I can explain the difference between page tree and file tree.
    • I can point out the content area and explain what it is used for.
    • I know where the top bar and the docheader are located and which functions I can find there.
    • I know what "Deep Links" are, how they are shared and in which scenarios they are used.
    • I know what "Bookmarks" are, how they are created and in which scenarios they are useful.

  • About TYPO3

    TYPO3 is an open-source enterprise content management system (CMS). The system offers a wide range of functions out of the box and can be extended by extensions. The software license (GPL) lets everyone to access, read, copy, distribute, and modify the source code which is freely available. TYPO3 is well documented at https://docs.typo3.org

    • I know what TYPO3 is and where I can get further information.
    • I know broadly the TYPO3 system requirements.
    • I know the TYPO3 vocabulary and can name the essential components.

  • Page Tree

    The structure of the web pages managed in TYPO3 is easily accessible via the page tree. It is possible to manage pages that are visible in the frontend as well as associated data, which are then installed at the appropriate place in the frontend. With a click on the page icon the context menu appears with additional options. 

    • I know the structure of the page tree.
    • I am aware of the existence of the page tree context menu, and I am aware of the existence of various options offered.
    • I can use the page tree operations: Filter, Drag & Drop (Create, Copy, Delete).
    • I know the connection between the page tree and the menus in the frontend.

  • Content elements

    When using content elements, the user must be able to use elements such as text, media, tables and predefined forms while paying attention to responsiveness, semantics and accessibility. When adding media, users know about the ability to upload and embed the various image and video formats, and crop images using the cropping tool.

    • I can create and edit the most important content element types (text with media, header, file links, records).
    • I know the difference between the uploaded files from the module file list and those inserted into content elements.
    • I know the implications of field header and type (semantic meaning, frontend results).
    • I can use the image cropper to manipulate images.
    • I know how to embed videos.
    • I know how to include predefined forms as a content element and who is responsible for predefining forms.
    • I know how to identify if someone else is already editing a content element and what happens when two editors work with the same content element simultaneously

  • Info about workspaces

    Work environments include, among other things, approval processes. Changes can be made by users in a preview environment, and reviewed, approved, and published by other stakeholders.

    • I know that TYPO3 supports a content editing workflow.
    • I can describe an example content editing workflow.
    • I know where to choose a workspace when workspaces is activated.

  • Page

    An editor can use different page types to influence the behavior of a page in the frontend and the presentation in the navigation. The editor needs to know how pages in the page tree can be structured and managed, and how that affects the output.

    • I can create, edit, hide, copy/paste, move and delete pages.
    • I know the page types: standard, backend user section, shortcut, mount point, link to external URL, folder, recycler, menu separator.
    • I know how I can display a preview of a page.

  • Using extensions in TYPO3

    Knowledge about existance and using extension-provided plugins in the TYPO3 backend.

    • I know that extensions can provide new functionalities to a TYPO3 standard installation.
    • I can use a plugin from an extension to display new content types in the frontend.

  • Access Control

    The access control can be used to manage and restrict access to pages, content elements and other information for a specified period of time. It can also be used to set up a restricted area where visitors can log in to view content.

    • I know what frontend users and frontend user groups are.
    • I know how to apply frontend user group restrictions to pages and content elements.
    • I know how to apply login-state-depending visibility restrictions to pages and content elements.
    • I know how to apply publish-date-depending visibility restrictions to pages and content elements.

  • Searching in the backend

    A search function is available in the TYPO3 backend. The function has the purpose to find the desired content quickly and show the result in a structured and convenient way.

    • I can find records with the top bar search.
    • I know that the top bar search will perform a full search on the installation including all data records but excluding files.

  • Admin Panel Basics

    Once enabled, the admin panel can be accessed by a click of a button in the frontend. This opens a bar at the bottom the screen that shows a summary of information about the currently accessed page, including several TypoScript messages, page load time, and possibly errors and warnings. The main purpose of the admin panel is general system debugging but it contains toggles and switches to control the frontend output as well.

    • I know that the admin panel exists and that it can be dis/enabled by an administrator.
    • I know how to find information like the current page ID, etc.
    • I know that I can use the admin panel in the frontend to find/open a page in the backend.
    • I know how I can simulate a specific date or frontend user group.
    • I know how to clear or deactivate the page cache through the admin panel.

  • Page properties

    The TYPO3 editor/integrator knows about the properties and how these can affect the page in different ways. Besides the general options such as page types and title information, the editor is aware that the appearance can be changed by the given options and affect the page layout in the frontend, caching, SEO specific and social media related possibilities.


    I know and can use the following page settings:

    • Tab General: Page, Title
    • Tab SEO: General SEO Settings, Robot instructions, Open Graph, Twitter Cards
    • Tab Meta Data: Abstract, Meta Tags
    • Appearance: Page Layout
    • Behavior: Caching, Miscellaneous
    • Resources: Files
    • Language
    • Access: Visibility, Publish Dates and Access Rights
    • Categories and Notes

    I am aware of 

    • the implications of changing the URL segment (slug) field inside the page properties and the consequences for redirects
    • the possibility to affect the visibility for search engines/robots 

    I know that I can add page specific information like title, description, and media for social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook.

  • Dashboard Basics

    The backend module "Dashboard" allows backend users to create, select, and configure dashboards and widgets. These widgets typically provide details and status information about the TYPO3 instance.

    • I know the purpose of the dashboard and its features.
    • I am familiar with the terms "dashboard" and "widget".
    • I know how to create and edit a dashboard.
    • I know how to create and/or select different types of widgets.
    • I know that some functions of the "Dashboard" backend module require administrator privileges.
    • I know that TYPO3 developers can extend the "Dashboard" functionality, e.g. develop custom widgets.

  • Working with data records

    In order to be able to manage individual data types, it is possible to manage own data record formats in TYPO3. These can be adapted exactly to the specific requirements of a website.

    • I know how to copy/paste, move, hide, unhide and delete data records.
    • I know how to access the single table view and execute bulk operations there.
    • I know how to manipulate the visible fields and number of records displayed for a table.
    • I know how to work with the clipboard (single / multi record selection).
    • I can export data from the list view and choose one of the available export formats for this purpose (CSV, JSON)

  • Working with files

    Uploaded files can be tagged with meta information. In addition, the content management system also knows if files are in use or not.

    • I can create, copy, move and delete files in TYPO3.
    • I know how to search for files with specific attributes (filename, title, description, alternative text).
    • I can detect if specific files are currently in use.
    • I know about metadata and where to edit metadata of files.
    • I know about and can take advantage of the extended view.
    • I know about the consequences of using inappropriate filenames in TYPO3.
    • I can perform bulk operations with files (e.g.: deleting multiple files at once, etc.).

  • Naming files

    The naming of files is subject to certain restrictions to guarantee smooth processing and presentation in the browser.

    • I know about the recommendations for and the advantages of using proper file names.
    • I know which characters are recommended for use in file names.

  • Rich Text Editor

    Overview of the basics and functions provided by the included text editor. Rich text fields are fields, which may contain text with markup. For example for adding a style such as bold, using lists or enumerations, headlines or adding links.

    • I know about the functionality of the rich text editor (RTE) and can take advantage of it.
    • I can enrich text semantically and optically (strong, emphasis, etc.).
    • I know about the use of the most important structure elements (ordered and unordered lists, tables, etc.).
    • I know how the user handles existing formatting when pasting text from the clipboard.

  • Copyright and data protection

    By using external files, e.g. images or videos, the copyright must be considered. When handling with information relating to an identifiable person the (country specific) legal situation must be considered.

    • I am aware of the existence of copyright and can act accordingly.
    • I am aware of the existence of data protection rules and can act accordingly.
    • I know about restrictions using external resources.
    • I know what personal information is and how to handle it.

  • CSV - Character Separated Values

    CSV files are used to exchange data between different computer systems. The editor must know how these files are structured so that they can be exported and additionally how they can be processed by TYPO3 without errors.

    • I know what a CSV file is.
    • I know how to open and edit a CSV file (with text editors or a table calculation program).
    • I know the different common delimiters, enclosure and escape characters.
    • I know the different file encodings (latin1 / utf-8).

  • Media in TYPO3

    With a content management system, different media such as images, videos, texts, PDFs and other file formats can be managed and made accessible via the browser.

    • I know which media can be used in TYPO3.
    • I know media may need to be available in different aspect ratios to achieve an optimal result on different end user devices.
    • I know that the file size of uploaded media may have an impact on the loading speed of the webpage it is displayed on.

  • Character Encoding

    Assigning numbers to graphical characters for storing and transmitting them with computers.


    I know

    • what a character encoding is.
    • why different character encodings exist.
    • which problems can occur if different character encodings are used for reading/writing the same file when exchanging data between different systems.

    I can

    • name one or more commonly used character encodings
    • make use of software of my choice to find out which character encoding a text based file is based on

  • Web accessibility

    To make a website accessible to as many people as possible, a user must know the basics of accessible websites.

    • I know what web accessibility is and who defines the rules for web accessibility.
    • I know how to improve the use of web pages to be better accessible for people with disabilities.
    • I know how to handle content and structure for people with disabilities properly.

  • SEO (On-Page)

    With the help of TYPO3, the user can easily optimize the visibility of content in search engines.

    • I can explain what SEO means.
    • I can explain and use meta-tags for pages and images.
    • I can explain and use headline structures.

  • Page cache

    The basic idea of pre-rendering content for speed optimization and the effect it might have on content editing.

    • I know what a cache is.
    • I know that the cache can effect the visibility of changes made to the content.
    • I know the difference between clearing the cache for a specific page and clearing the global frontend cache.
    • I can flush the page cache.

  • SEO (Technical)

    The editor is aware of the relevance of duplicate content on websites and the consequences for search engine results. By using canonical links properly, an editor knows how to prevent duplicate content issues. Furthermore, the editor has knowledge about forcing robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow. The editor knows what an XML Sitemap is and that these are used to give search engines information about the structure of the website.

    • I know what canonical links are and when they should be used.
    • I know about robot instructions in metadata.
    • I know the relevance of an XML sitemap of a website.

  • Social Media

    Social media platforms are a collective of online communication channels used for community-based input, content-sharing, collaboration and interaction. Links that are placed on social media platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook, can be enriched with additional information about the targeted website and encourage the user to follow the link.

    • I know what social media platforms are.
    • I know that social media specific content, such as Twitter Cards or Facebook Posts, can be used to enhance the content of a provided link to a website. 

  • TYPO3 URL Redirects

    The user knows about the use redirects have in TYPO3 and how to create them for a specific page in the TYPO3 backend.

    • I can create a redirection for a certain URL to a specific page.
    • I know that redirects are created automatically when a slug is changed.

  • URL redirect Basics

    The user knows the effects in terms of SEO and backlinks in a subsequent change of a URL. The user knows how to minimize the negative effects by defining redirects.

    • I know what URL redirects are.
    • I know about the differences between the redirect types.
    • I know about the effects of incorrect URL redirects for website visitors and search engines.

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