TYPO3 v12.2 - Around The World
TYPO3 v12.2 - Short Update Overview
TYPO3 is constantly evolving, and it's always exciting to see the effect of the changes and learn about the new features it offers. Even small changes can make a big difference in how you use the software, and it's interesting to see how it affects your workflow.
I'll go through some of the new changes in the following lines.
Filelist Backend Module
If you are an Editor and have a lot of content on your hands, you surely experienced the enhancements introduced in the previous version. This release added some improvements to your overall user experience.
Drag and drop items into the tree
Select single or multiple files and move/copy through the drag/drop function.
Creating folders
Say goodbye to the old way of creating folders! Instead of opening a new page, the module now opens a modal window where you enter the name of the new folder. You can also browse through the folder tree on the left-hand side to easily and quickly select a different parent folder.
Message Bus And Queue
Have you ever been in a situation where you're processing a message and then have to wait for something else to finish before you can continue?
The good news is that TYPO3 has an elegant solution for this. The default behavior is to process messages synchronously—meaning each message is processed individually and in order. By configuring it to asynchronous, stored messages can be processed at a later time.

Multilingual content is a fact of life in the modern world, and TYPO3's out-of-the-box multilingual capabilities make it easy for integrators and developers to meet complex global content requirements. The v12.2 introduces two significant improvements:
CountryProvider API
We're so delighted to tell you about a new API that's been added to TYPO3 v 12.2.
You can now use this API to retrieve a list of countries based on the ISO 3166-1 standard. You can also use it to get localized country names, standardized ISO codes, Unicode representations of flags, and more.
The new FormCountrySelect-Viewhelper for Fluid lets you render dropdown items for forms:
Multi-level Language Fallback
Did you know that TYPO3 can offer multiple frontend languages? It's true!
With this feature, integrators can configure a fallback chain that automatically switches to content in another language if a translation is unavailable. The fallback mechanism works on any content.
Security Improvements
After the introduction of configurable password policies in TYPO3 v12.0, the global default policy is considered when the admin user is created during the system installation.
A strong password policy is a must for any business that's serious about security. While most of us understand the need for a strong password, it can be challenging to keep up with the standards without enforcing the strong password requirement.
Read the community release notes for a detailed description of everything new in the TYPO3 v12.2.
When and where we're heading
The next milestone on our roadmap is TYPO3 v12.3, which is scheduled for 28 March 2023.
If you are interested in getting to know TYPO3 and connecting to our community, visit us at one of our events.
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