Tag: IT

Information technology (IT) describes all forms of technology which involve any kind of electronic data. Anything related to computer hardware, software, or networks used to store, create, secure, exchange, or access digital data can be classified as IT.

4 Reasons to Host TYPO3 on AWS

Solutions based on Cloud-Architectures are omnipresent. In particular, hosting TYPO3 in the AWS cloud may have different advantages. As a starting point for this series of blog posts, we give a concise overview on security, performance, flexibility and cost-efficiency.

SkillDisplay - The Final Erasmus+ Year

Happy New Year, everyone! The final year of the Erasmus+ Programme has already begun. The current article by SkillDisplay focuses on the future of Erasmus+ and the goals of the SkillDisplay GmbH.

RIPS Technologies - Code Analysis Partner for TYPO3

From now on TYPO3 will make common cause with RIPS Technologies. By using their excellent code analysis tool, security vulnerabilities within the open source software code will now be detected even faster. Learn more details about the partnership in this article.

Shaping Data Into Text: How textengine.io Creates Content

Natural Language Generation makes it possible to automatically create massive amounts of content in different contexts like weather reports, sports news or real estate reports. Find out how to the soon-to-be TYPO3 integration helps the content creation process with retresco's tool textengine.io.

How to AI: Navigating the Buzzwords of Artificial Intelligence

Since before the introduction of Amazon’s Alexa, applications supporting artificial intelligence (AI) have been taking a central role in certain parts of our daily lives. This article sums up the most relevant AI-connected terms and explains them in more detail.

First Place for TYPO3’s Form Framework

In April this year, our first German TYPO3 agency partner TRITUM won the Thuringian Open Source Prize for their outstanding work on the TYPO3 Form Framework. The prize was awarded for the first time and underlines TRITUM’s status as pioneers within the TYPO3 community.

Natural Language Generation: Using AI in Content Generation

Learn how websites are using AI-powered Natural Language Generation (NLG) to provide targeted and personalized content on demand. NLG will soon be available for the enterprise open source TYPO3 CMS, too, thanks to Retresco. Find out more!

TYPO3 Delivers Great Performance

Page load performance can vary considerably by CMS. A recent study shows a remarkable result: with almost 45% of fast loading websites, TYPO3 is ahead of every other CMS in the analysis. Find out more about how TYPO3 achieves this great performance.