SkillDisplay - Recap of TYPO3Camp Vienna 2019
Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!
“To all #TYPO3 Camp Vienna attendees: learn something new, share some knowledge, meet new people and most of all: have fun!” - (Richard Haeser, Twitter)
The third TYPO3Camp Vienna took place between 10th and 12th May 2019 in SAE Flagship Campus Vienna and as my favourite tweet of that weekend predicted, these two and a half days were used for networking, learning something new and having a good time (not only because of the Viennese coffee). Read on to get more information about the sessions and keynotes, which were held and chosen by the participants themselves!
About the camp
To start with some background information, the camp started at Friday evening with a warm-up party at Badeschiff Wien. The next morning began with the registration and a good morning coffee, before the welcome talk was given by the camp’s organiser supseven. Followed by the first keynote from Susanne Moog, sessions for Saturday and Sunday were planned.
“Feel strong” was Susi Moogs moving keynote on Saturday, who is the CTO of TYPO3 GmbH.
On Sunday, the camp welcomed Christoph Schier, Strategic Partner Manager (Google DACH) who was talking about “Google Ads for TYPO3 Extension”.
As T3CVIE is a barcamp event, the sessions are suggested and held by members of the TYPO3 community. The sessions were split up into four rooms, so interested parties were able to choose which topic suits them best.
SAE room
The room of the location sponsor SAE hosted sessions like PHP Storm - Tips and Tricks by Markus Klein (reelworx) and Localisation in TYPO3 v9 by Mathias Schreiber (TYPO3 GmbH). On Sunday, CKEditor Basic Configuration and Learnings and Frontend Performance were part of the session plan.
jweiland.net room
Not only platinum sponsor, but also a very important part of the TYPO3 community is jweiland.net, who also wrote a blog post about the weekend (in German). Sessions of this room included Docs, Gigacommerce and Core Contribution. On Sunday, PHP was a big topic, as well as the TYPO3 Guide Book.
supseven room
A big thank you goes to supseven for organising this incredible TYPO3 Camp. Sessions in this room on Saturday and Sunday included Agile Atomic Design and Kickstart a TYPO3 extension. Also, the session TYPO3 v10 wish list held by Georg Ringer took place in this room. We can already be curious about the new TYPO3 version and its changes!
SkillDisplay room
As an educational partner of the camp, SkillDisplay also had their own room. Besides the certification exam, sessions were held. Mathias Schreiber started Saturday with the Austrian Market Workshop, followed by two talks from Florian Weiss: 21 % - The skills you should check out for TCCE 9 LTS and Dinosaurs attack - Gamification for TYPO3 editors. Sunday was used for partner conversations and information about skill management.
SkillSets at T3CVIE
Consistent with the sessions, SkillSets were created in cooperation with the TYPO3 Camp Vienna and the speakers to introduce the community to the SkillDisplay concept and its changes after closed beta. To have full access, you can log in or register here.
The following SkillSets were created:
TYPO3 Camp Vienna T3CVIE | Configuring CKEditor
This session, held by Josef Glatz, was about integrating custom presets, adding existing plugins and much more.TYPO3 Camp Vienna T3CVIE | PSR-15 middlewares in TYPO3
Susi Moog explained, how PSR-15 middlewares work in TYPO3. PSR Standards and Extension Integration are not only part of her SkillSet, but also of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer 8 LTS (TCCD).TYPO3 Camp Vienna T3CVIE | Templated Emails
Georg Ringer’s session was about a new feature which makes it easier to generate styled emails and to have identical email layouts through the whole system. Slides of the session are available under resources. The skills “Using the Fluid View” and “What is a Templating Engine?“ are part of the SkillSet.TYPO3 Camp Vienna T3CVIE | 21 % - The new skills for TCCE 9 LTS
Florian Weiss, executive director of SkillDisplay, introduced the new skills for the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor 9 LTS. A big question is: How do we know that 21 % have changed? If you couldn’t make it to the camp, slides about this talk are available under the resources section of the SkillSet.
Next TYPO3 Events
To keep on networking and learning new things, you can find an overview of the next TYPO3 events here. Some of these events are the following:
TYPO3Camp Stuttgart 2019 (30 May - 1 June, 2019)
TYPO3Camp Berlin (21-23 June, 2019)
TYPO3 Developer Days (1-4 August, 2019)
TYPO3Camp Hamburg 2019 (17-18 August, 2019)
To bridge the time, you can start learning new TYPO3 Editor, Integrator or Developer skills. Go ahead and show what you can do!