A Team Effort: Our First TYPO3 Community Sprint
The first joint community sprint at the TYPO3 GmbH in Düsseldorf took place from April 4th to April 8th. Members of the Accessibility, Design, Documentation, Security, typo3.org, UX, and Core Team as well as from the Structured Content Initiative and the TYPO3 GmbH came together to jointly work on improvements of the TYPO3 product and ecosystem.
The Accessibility Team worked on improving the accessibility of the backend editing forms. As part of the process, the old and often outdated context-sensitive help has been removed from the backend to make way for true labeling functionality in the backend editing forms. Next, superfluous fieldsets will be removed, and “for” attributes have to be added to all available labels to connect them with their fields.
In another area, the live search in the TYPO3 backend has been improved and its code was polished.
Find out more at the Accessibility Team page.
Many of the core contributors supported the other teams by providing patches and code. Shehfinaz Kadavil did her first core contribution aided by Andreas Fernandez, Jochen Roth updated Yarn to 3.2, while Susanne Moog added new features to the admin panel, to name just a few of the changes. A lot of core mergers helped with reviews, tests, and merges remotely. Core team lead Benni Mack visited for a day and provided further insights into the general core development of various teams and initiatives.
The TYPO3 Design Team met for the first time in over two years. First of all, the team finalized the almost finished online style guide and launched it at https://styleguide.typo3.com/.
The team also defined a communication strategy - you can look forward to some posts from the design team over the course of the year.
The team thought about the current usage of the TER and slimmed the design down significantly and handed it over to the typo3.org team who can now implement the layouts.
Besides the work on the style guide and the TER the team designed an error page for the server team and the t-shirts for the developer days.
The team is very motivated to start again and to perform their tasks after the Corona break.
They updated their communication channels with the team and their team page. Take a look at the Design Team page.
The Documentation Team updated the documentation to the current version 12 development state - all available breaking changes and all new events and TCA changes have been documented.
Lina gave a presentation about the automated screenshot tool and recruited additional help for a better Core integration and more documentation reviews.
Technology-wise, the Documentation Team now has a working backport automation that takes care of automatically backporting documentation changes to relevant branches. Martin worked on a new version of the DRC (Docker Rendering Container) with an update of Sphinx and the toolchain on Python 3, plus a lot of theme improvements - a few things are still missing, but it will soon be available for use.
Learn more about the TYPO3 Documentation page and at Slack #typo3-documentation.
The Security Team used the sprint to clean-up the issue queue, answer security questions, and provide patches for issues. The in-person availability provided easier collaboration when answering issues and allowed a more efficient working mode.
The Team is currently working on the following features for the next TYPO3 version(s):
- Enforce CSP for TYPO3 backend
- Configurable Password Policies for TYPO3 backend and frontend users
- Refine Security Reporting
Found a security issue? Write an email to security(at)typo3.org - Interested in security?
Read more on the Security Team page.
The typo3.org Team mainly worked on the TYPO3 v11 update of the typo3.org website which has been finished and launched during the sprint. The frontend build chain of the typo3.org website has been modernized, various frontend bugs have been fixed and a new style for the search results is currently being worked on. The frontend login has been switched to the central oauth2 infrastructure.
In the near future, a relaunch concept for typo3.org will be created. The Team took the first steps by defining goals, analyzing their cohorts, and writing various user stories. The existing backlog for typo3.org has been cleaned-up.
If you want to be part of the typo3.org team or learn more about what they are doing take a look at the Community Teams page.
UX Team & Structured Content Initiative
The Structured Content Initiative and parts of the UX Team used the sprint to collaborate with other teams and to solicit feedback and support for the next steps on the way to a better user experience in the TYPO3 backend and a solution for structured content.
The content blocks registration API has been released in version 2 and now provides support for PHP 7.2 to PHP 8.0, multi-language setups, workspaces, and TYPO3 v10 and v11.
Interested in the current work of the Team or the Initiative? Go to TYPO3 UX Initiative or Structured Content Initiative page.
All in all, everyone had a great time seeing each other in person again, collaborating, talking, dancing, and working together after a long period of absence. The availability of multiple teams and people from different backgrounds at the same time was a big plus and helped us to improve TYPO3 even further. We are planning to offer further community sprints throughout the year - stay tuned.
Thank You!
I would like to thank everyone present for their work and dedication, their commitment and collaboration and team spirit:
- Andre Kraus from GMK Bayreuth
- Annett Jähnichen & Lidia Demin from webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH
- Bastien Lutz, Felix Ranesberger & Stefan Busemann from in2code
- Benni Mack & Jochen Roth from b13
- Fabian Stein from punkt.de
- Frank Schubert
- Lina Wolf from Webcommerce GmbH, Offenburg
- Marius Seibert & Voker Neuenhaus from pagemachine
- Michael Telgkamp from mindscreen
- Thomas Löffler from Spooner Web
- Torben Hansen
… and the whole TYPO3 GmbH Team including Andreas Fernandez, Benjamin Kott, Frank Nägler, Oliver Hader, Shehfinaz Kadavil as Developers, the Media and Marketing Team for their support, Mathias Schreiber for the shuttle service and input, and last but not least Renate Thomassen and her Team for organising everything from hotel bookings to chocolate.