Author: Christina Bornberg

Christina is an electronics student at FH Technikum Vienna, University of Applied Sciences. Previously, she was in a technical highschool where she studied IT / media technology, where she learned about TYPO3 with the help of SkillDisplay. After she got her school leaving certificate she became a part of the SkillDisplay team.

SkillDisplay - Plan or Enhance Your TYPO3 Lectures

Plan and enhance your lecture with the help of the SkillDisplay platform. This blog post guides you on how to get started, how to track your students' knowledge by using organisations and how your educational institution can cooperate with a company.

SkillDisplay - Recap of TYPO3 Eastern Europe 2018 (T3EE)

SkillDisplay was the educational partner of TYPO3 Eastern Europe 2018. They held talks about “Skill Management and Certification in the TYPO3 Universe” and hosted the “SkillDisplay Coffee Talk”. The most discussed topics are part of this blog post.

SkillDisplay - Add Your LTS v8 Certificates to the Platform

SkillDisplay has a new feature - the “Rewards” function. Learners can now add their TCCE, TCCI and TCCD certificates to their SkillDisplay profile and receive their first reward - a certification sharing guide - so they can make their skills visible on the internet.

SkillDisplay - Coffee & Talk at TYPO3 Eastern Europe 2018

At TYPO3 Eastern Europe 2018 (T3EE) the SkillDisplay team will be organizing a coffee round, where educators and business persons can talk about their needs regarding TYPO3 education and cooperation. The staff at the SkillDisplay booth will gladly answer questions any T3EE attendees may have.

SkillDisplay - Gamification at TYPO3 University Day (T3UD18)

This year’s TYPO3 University Days (T3UD18) will be taking place in Mainz in late September. SkillDisplay is kicking off an unusual challenge: gamification! Learn more about the combination of learning with the ease of a game in SkillDisplay’s newest blog post.

SkillDisplay - Part IV: Presentation of the Workshop Results

Now that the workshops for three of the certification types - TCCD, TCCE and TCCI - are completed, it’s time to reflect on them and their outcomes. This article is the last part of a blog series by SkillDisplay about improving education within the TYPO3 sector. Learn how to benefit from SkillPaths and SkillTrees - use SkillUp buttons to prove already acquired skills.

SkillDisplay - Part II: The Who, Why, and What of the TCCE Workshop

In the second part of SkillDisplay’s series about enhancing education within the TYPO3 sector, we’ll learn more about the participating parties - TYPO3 Education Committee, TYPO3 GmbH and SkillDisplay themselves - and the roles they play in improving the processes therein. Read about it in SkillDisplay’s newest blog post.

SkillDisplay - Part I: Further Improving Education Within the TYPO3 Sector

Together with SkillDisplay, our Erasmus+ partners and the TYPO3 Education Committee, the TYPO3 GmbH supports the improvement of education within the TYPO3 sector. The aim is to increase accessibility, ensure certification quality and chart community knowledge. Learn more about content phase in SkillDisplay’s most recent blog post.